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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • The story seems to be from a marketing-focused website, so it makes sense that the author is addressing advertisers, and how the events with Reddit will affect them.

    Also, surely this story proves that the protests absolutely have had an effect. It’s causing advertisers to think twice about spending money with Reddit. And as stated in this TechCrunch article, fewer advertisers are visiting the ad-buying part of Reddit’s site.

    So, the people who complained that these protests are pointless, that they won’t change anything, have been proven wrong. The protests are effective. So if people want change in this situation then they should continue with MORE protests. My protest is that I’m not using Reddit.

  • Maybe it’s worth having that security hole then. I think it’s a bit crazy that terrorists or child abusers can plan their crimes using WhatsApp without the police being able to intercept their messages.

    Also, if we’re able to contact our banks over the internet securely (and obviously the bank can still see everything about our accounts if they want, while criminals hopefully won’t be able to), then surely an equivalent should be possible for things like WhatsApp.

  • I think law enforcement should be able to intercept messages on services like WhatsApp, if someone is suspected of criminal activity.

    Is it right for criminals to be able to share child abuse material, or plans for terrorism, over something like WhatsApp? Without law enforcement being able to intercept these messages?

    I think law enforcement can break into your home if they have a court warrant, right? So why not allow the same thing with electronic communications?

  • He’s right that Reddit’s “aggressive posture” is what’s annoyed a lot of users. When I first heard of them adding API costs, I didn’t care, because I didn’t use 3rd party apps. But their attitude since then is why I don’t want to use Reddit now.

    They could have apologised for the inconvenience caused by their changes. They could have said something like “we recognise there are users who are not happy with these changes, and we apologise for the inconvenience, but we are in a position where we have to cover our server costs, or else Reddit may not survive into the future”. If they had put it like THAT then I bet most people would have understood where they’re coming from.

    But instead they say things like “oh it’s only a small amount of users who are unhappy” and “this will blow over like all of these controversies do”. Basically saying “we don’t need to listen to you, fuck you, fuck your opinions, we assume you’ll use Reddit anyway”. AND didn’t they say they would respect mods protesting by shutting their subreddits? And then they’re like “no fuck you we’ll just force them open”.

    So the impression they give off is not that they’re doing these API changes out of a financial necessity to ensure Reddit can survive into the future - instead, like many users have said, it seems like they are literally just trying to milk as many profits as possible in the short-term, so they can cash in as much as possible on the IPO, and then they can quit Reddit and retire to the Caribbean.

  • I just looked at Lemmygrad.ml. The rules on that site say “be respectful”.

    Your attached picture shows you are not respectful at all. You are supporting Putin, a dictator, who rigs elections, and who orders assassinations of political opponents (Navalny) and former Russian intelligence agents (Skripal, Litvinenko).

    And of course Putin has in no way been respectful towards Ukraine. Invading Crimea in 2014, and the larger invasion in 2022.

    So, you are being disrespectful towards Ukraine, and therefore you’re not embodying the stated rules and values of your Lemmygrad server.

  • The real Donald Trump would probably stop supplying aid to Ukraine though, and thus force Ukraine to accept the loss of some of their territory. He’s said publicly that he would get the war ended as soon as possible if he was president again, and I’m sure this is the sort of end he means.

    Another problem with Trump is that he implied in an interview with Tucker Carlson that the US blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. I doubt this is true. I think Russia did it. Also, Trump didn’t even believe his own intelligence agencies who said that Russia interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.