• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • Pretty insane… for better or worse. I came out to my grandma as bi, I hit a deer, my therapy copay finally kicked in, and my s/o popped a tire and then got into a car wreck.

    In femme news, I’ve started doing my nails more and finally started a hair care routine! Also been trying stomach vacuums to get a better figure. I got to go swimming the other day; though I didn’t get to buy a swimsuit, a bralette with trunks was super gratifying for me!

  • Are you out to these people? I don’t know how long you’ve been on HRT, or at what age you started, but if you’ve been on HRT a bit there have to have been some changes.

    It can be hard for people to notice differences, unless you point them out, and if you’re boymoding then people (not to be too assumptive, but I’m guessing your male friends?) probably won’t pick up on any feminine energy you’re radiating ;).

    As for their comments about your weight, I’m so sorry that you have to hear that because it can be so discouraging during tough points in your life. That said, keeping with the assumption thess friends are men, keep in mind that a lot of male socialization revolves around the concept of the “burn,” and they might not be intending to be as hurtful as they are.

    Taking my experiences coming out as bisexual (and trans, to some people) into consideration, I believe that people can’t surprise you unless you give them a chance. Some will be as you expected, but you will always be surprised.

    I hope your experience gets better soon, much love <3