• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2023


  • Not good, as usual. My poor sweet cat is suffering and I don’t have the money or resources or ability to do anything about it. I’m tired of being useless because of my disabilities and I’m tired of being so burned out and in pure survival mode all the time. I wish I had the energy/functioning/mental bandwidth to put some words down about what’s actually going on. If anyone wants to send some good vibes or thoughts or prayers or whatever in the direction of my sweet kitty Ziggy and I, I’d appreciate it. She deserves so much better.

  • Wow, I love this and all the other art of his you’ve posted in this thread! Thanks for posting!

    By the way, I want you to know that you’re one of my favorite posters on Lemmy/the fediverse as a whole! I appreciate you, the sources and information you add, and all the work you put into these posts. I sincerely thank you! They bring much-needed bright spots to my day pretty frequently :)