web developer (LAMP stack) from Czechia/EU
What happens if you remove the gaps between windows? Just guessing, but maybe the bug simply takes the gap width and uses it for the inner padding? I don’t use gaps at all and I’ve never experienced this issue. (Docs: https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#gaps)
AFAIK the glibc compatibility issues were related to very outdated glibc versions. IMHO almost nobody with an old distro (Debian 10 or similar) will be using a modern IDE. I’m using Debian stable (12) which has a much newer glibc than required for remote ssh to work. Sidenote: half a year ago Microsoft even didn’t bother to inform its VS Code users that they were dropping support for old glibc when they updated their remote SSH extension :) I was one of many impacted users, because Amazon decided to use an outdated glibc in their weird Amazon Linux distro.
Someone already gave me the answer elsewhere. It is the “editor::Hover” action, this is the default keymap excerpt:
"context": "Editor",
"bindings": {
"ctrl-k ctrl-i": "editor::Hover",
I just had to remap it because I already use ctrl-k for something else.
I really hope #ClassicPress gets more attention and more programmers will join the project. It’s 1/3 the size, less complex and faster. It’s the old WP but with improvements. Many translations are still missing. Some important WP plugins don’t work properly. But it’s an independent WP fork.