• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • To be charming as a guy, consider these tips:

    1. Good Hygiene: Maintain proper personal hygiene, including daily showers and dental care.

    2. Active Listening: Pay attention when people talk to you, ask questions, and show genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings.

    3. Body Language: Be aware of your body language and maintain open, approachable posture.

    4. Socialize: Engage in social activities, join clubs, attend events, and meet new people.

    5. Flirting: Practice light-hearted banter and conversation skills with everyone, not just those you’re interested in romantically.

    6. Respect Boundaries: Avoid making anyone feel uncomfortable by respecting their personal space and boundaries.

    7. Be Confident: Confidence is attractive, but don’t come across as arrogant.

    8. Compliments: Give sincere compliments when appropriate, but don’t overdo it.

    9. Empathy: Show empathy and understanding towards others’ perspectives and experiences.

    10. Be a Good Listener: Remember details about people’s lives and interests, and use this information in future conversations.

    11. Take Initiative: Don’t be afraid to initiate conversations or ask someone out, but do so respectfully.

    12. Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude and avoid negative or offensive topics.

    Remember, charm comes from being genuine and considerate, so be yourself while striving to make meaningful connections with others.

  • This french song popped in my head when I see a crab !


    Translated lyrics:

    I found him in my sock, he was all alone, he was lost I was lying ugly in the sand, watching the beautiful and bronzed ones And then there, in my sock, I saw him and thought, ah He’s beautiful, he’s beautiful, the crabby one, he has legs That stretch and big golden eyes, ask me: Hey guys, what did I do with him, what did you do with him? I took him, brought him home, and there I showed him and said:

    Nice to meet you, nice to meet you, let me introduce you to my pocket crab From my home in the city to the office and in my leisure time I put a jacket on him, taught him tricks, make him look good He was showing off on his pincer scales, scales, scales

    A painted straightjacket in yellow and blue, he was the most beautiful of Crabs, so much sky inside, I kept him in my pocket Didn’t want to show him, but you know when I had Guests, I couldn’t resist, I took him out and shouted

    Nice to meet you, nice to meet you, let me introduce you to my pocket crab But yesterday, a spell, he turned into a water tiger Abracadabra, a cat’s head and a barracuda’s body, no more legs, no More pincers, he ate oxen and searched for the watery middle, I bled him With blows of a rod, couldn’t keep him anymore, couldn’t put him In my jacket, my woolen jacket, big sad sadness, I cried I cried, I cried because I couldn’t shout anymore

    Nice to meet you, nice to meet you, let me introduce you to my pocket crab

  • Well, I’ll probably gonna let them die, cut them and put it in my worm compost or just back in the soil.

    In spring, I’ll mix the old soil with some compost. I might rotates plants, like instead of potatoes, I’ll grow carrots.

    My best tip is just do it. Read or watch videos, then do what you think will work. Every garden is different. You’ll make mistakes, plants will get sick, get pest or die, but you’ll learn what works and what doesn’t work. Make a space for pollinators, worm and birds. They’ll help you. Have fun ! 😊