• 2 Posts
Joined 27 days ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • You know what else you may have the mom pouch but can Sarah say she is a good person? Does she really have a kind heart? No. I’m sure you could answer yes and that’s far more honourable than anything Sarah could ever say/do. But it definitely is hard being a woman. I myself don’t have children and I’m a thicker gal and some days it eats me alive. Hang in there 💜

  • Don’t ever let her make you feel that way 💜 I use to let it bother me ALOT. I just think social media is sooooo toxic for women. I recently was at Costco shopping with my hubby and I saw a girl I knew from high school. Mind you I hadn’t seen her in years!! I was SHOCKED!!! the pictures she posts online vs IRL. She was double the size if not more than what she put online. After that day I told myself I would not let social media make me feel upset about my own body and wishing I looked more like “them”. Learn to love yourself regardless of your mom pooch or not. You brought beautiful babies into this world and I’m sure you are an amazing mother