bubbalu [they/them]

  • 12 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2020


  • Another good one, we called it ‘hobo meal’ growing up. You chop up potatoes and whatever schmeat and veggies you have. Throw it in tinfoil. Cover it in camping oil, salt, spices, and ketchup and mustard. Close it up and put it in a fire for a while until its done.

    I also used to bring packets of this as a treat for the crew when I did controlled burns and reached a new level of crunchiness heretofore unknown to formerly-urban whitekind.

  • If you’re going camping for a while, what’s important is to have a good mix of fairly healthy, hearty, quick-cooking bulk ingredients; and having enough spices to avoid getting sick of shit; while still having enough candy and processed shit to make sure you shit regular. Here’s how I used to be about it when I lived on my bike:


    • TVP
    • Quick-cooking grain (quinoa, minute rice, polenta, oats, cornmeal etc.)
    • Quick-cooking pulse (red lentils…never figured out another lol)
    • Camping Oil
    • Sandwich loaf (pre-peanutbuttered loaf)


    I would usually have 1-3 spices blends depending on how long I was planning to be gone, and how recently I was in town, and how broke I was + some basics. Specific items are basics, points with multiple items are like trying to capture the essence of a particular blend. Ranked by importance with plusses

    • Nutritional Yeast +++ (protein and vitamins but will stain your piss)
    • Lime salt (sold as beer salt) ++
    • Garlic Salt +++
    • Lemon Pepper +
    • Onion Powder +++
    • Sweet blend: some combo of cinnamon, coriander, cardamom, tumeric, ginger, carrot + (wound up not wanting to put in the effort for hot breakfast much)
    • Berebere +++
    • Psyllium Husk
    • Taco seasoning/Chili seasoning +
    • “pizza blend”: Herbs de Provence/Italian Seasoning + Smoked Paprika ++

    Supplement with vegetables, fruits, fried food, candy, dried vegetables, gas station pies, fried food, fried food, fried food, dried fruit?? (idk shit was too expensive) as budget and access allow. My big mistake was eating ‘too healthy’ early on and not being able to shit. I was in the rare condition of actually needing more candy to maintain my health lol.

    Eventually, I quit being vegan because my cravings for fried fish were so intense. It’s been a weird journey since then.

  • If you have access to a heating element, you can make tamale polenta gruel! I use nixtamalized cornmeal, copious amounts of camping oil, nutritional yeast and whatever spice blend I packed. You can also add walnuts or sunflower seeds. It is hot, filling and tastes like gods love. I vividly remember crying for joy eating my first bite on a bike tour. I had got the cornmeal from a hippie store at like 85 cents a pound and was profoundly sick of my other camping food.

  • I think the callous language used to describe people’s wishes here is incorrect and gross, but I don’t wholly disagree. It doesn’t seem contradictory to envision restorative justice for anti-social violence and repression of our class enemies by any means necessary. What else can class struggle entail? Mao reminds us “revolution is not a dinner party. It is a violent process by which one class overthrows another.” Violence is not to be treated lightly.

    What to do with severely mentally ill but structurely-powerless reactionaries is a difficult edge case. I think relatively humane life imprisonment is the best option.