• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • who owns RCS and has more sway on carriers

    If that were true, RCS would have been implemented by carriers LONG ago like they were supposed to (the original spec was launched in 2008), well before imessage came out in 2011 and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

    But you know who actually does have a TON of sway with Carriers? Apple. You know who probably could have actually gotten them to implement RCS? Apple. Apple could have solved the RCS dilemma even before Google decided to do things themselves.

    Apple didn’t even need to do much, just drop the mere hint that if carriers didn’t start implementing RCS they might stop selling the iPhone through them and they would have bent over backwards to get it done.

    They didn’t because iMessage is just another tool to keep people locked into their ecosystem, and they’ve admitted as much. And any excuse of “Oh we wanted to work with the GSM consortium blah blah blah” is just that, an excuse for Apple fanboys like you to latch onto and parrot.

  • For one, Google never wanted to implement or run RCS, the carriers were supposed to do that specifically to prevent the fragmentation issue. But they couldn’t get off their ass, even after Google spent years pushing them to do so.

    For two, even after Google said fuck the carriers I’ll do it myself, Apple was invited to participate in its implementation and Apple refused. They could have worked with Google to implement RCS across all devices. They didn’t because they want to keep people locked into their ecosystem. They had a great opportunity to ensure all the privacy and encryption features were implemented how they liked.

  • Fuck Taxis and Uber

    An entire industry that’s playing the victim. Stop falling for it and stop romanticizing taxis, the shit they pulled was just as bad, if not worse than what Uber does.

    Biggest difference is their drivers were complicit in the shenanigans and primarily targeted their customers. Taking LONG routes because their customer “wasn’t local”, saying a route will “probably be 10$” and then it’s 50 and “the meter says what it says man”.

    They literally used strict regulations as a shield to hold local monopolies for decades which resulted in terrible downright scammy service, cash only for an unacceptable amount of time, 0 innovations, dirty ancient barely running cars, a dispatch who would constantly say a car “was just around the corner” for 2 hours

    The taxi industry doesn’t give a fuck about you, they’re just mad because they didn’t think to do what Uber is doing and now they’re dying. When/If Uber/Lyft dies, I guarantee the Taxi industry will resurge for the worst and take pages out of Ubers playbook. It’s just going to go back to the wait it was before.

    Fuck Uber AND Taxis, they both can rot in hell, but I don’t mind seeing taxis get there first.