context [fae/faer, fae/faer]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2021

  • humans starting keeping books full of numbers and invented rules to move the numbers around long before we had computability theory, and invented laws to enshrine the sanctity of those numbers and punish anyone who manipulates the numbers against the rules, and constructed sociolegal algorithms to drive up the numbers, and in our slavish devotion to this machine we’ve built around ourselves, our final desperate pleading hope is that it will create an “artificial intelligence” for us that will somehow in its statistical hallucinations provide answers that help us escape before the machine bleeds to death

  • a bowl of cheezits, a bowl of cool ranch doritos, a bowl of this stuff for dipping

    but it’s also a dressing, so put a pair of tongs in with the cheezits and doritos, and one of those little dressing ladles and a gravy boat full of this stuff so your guests can make a cheezit and cool ranch dorito salad with cheezit ranch dressing