“We’re not withholding food from civilians as a negotiating tactic, we’re ensuring the safety of the people who have plenty of food”
“We’re not withholding food from civilians as a negotiating tactic, we’re ensuring the safety of the people who have plenty of food”
Avery’s brooks?
I almost mentioned the sourdough bread bowls because SF is known for their sourdough and those are tasty.
It’s really tourist food though. The local soup is Cioppino but I never see it served in a bread bowl.
Mission style burritos are tasty.
I also like California style pizza so long as the toppings aren’t too weird.
Taxes based on assets tax those with assets, instead of income taxes which tax those who work.
If old man owns such a valuable piece of land, he deserves to pay his fair share for the public services he used.
It’s like saying you don’t want to pay for schools because you’re not a student.
That’s the fictional boogeyman used by the rich to gut public services. See the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer association and California prop 13.
The tax cuts go to the rich and corporate land owners.
Any “civilization” without some form of taxation is either primitive hunter gatherers, or a despotism where the chief already owns everything and everyone.
I don’t understand inflation, so as an old landowner I think I shouldn’t have to pay taxes.
What do you call seven lawyers at the bottom of the sea?
A good start.
I guess world federates with porn instances.
Where are you seeing these sorts of posts? I thought most instance banned them because they’re spam magnets.
No the shift key counts too, it takes 2 to make the ‘<‘ plus one more for ‘3’.
I’d prefer they offered it as an overpriced premium SKU for those of us who can’t say no to 4k.
I guess the 2 million people still living there don’t count.
Israel announced plans to hold Palestinian civilians hostage, starve them out as a final solution.
Color balance is off because too much red from the wood finish of the table.
The classic advice, which is still good today, says to spend no more than 1/3 of pretax income on housing.
The poor often spend a lot more than 1/3 on food, and the rich never do.
Grocery costs are highly variable depending on your tastes and cooking skills.
Simple vegetarian meals cooked entirely from scratch might run $3/person/day. If you’re only buying prepared foods and shop at Whole Foods could easily spend $30/person/day.
Don’t either of you ever help with family grocery shopping?
Nana’s real visitor was the charming genetically enhanced doctor.
Too much veg on that one. Scroll down for an egg pizza from Chez Panisse.