Proprietor of QWeb Ltd and Bouche Chocolate. A software and game programmer since 1996, these days I mostly make websites and chocolate, manage Linux servers, and drink whisky. But gamedev is still my big love. Currently working on the Argentauria MMORPG.
I’m now on ko-fi if you’re kind enough to support my dream!
@teahands @gamedev you probably want to start by looking up A* pathfinding. Essentially it’s just a way of calculating the shortest route between two places by scoring each adjacent tile from every other, based on how many hops it took to get there. Same maths however many adjacents you have so it should work for hex quite nicely. I’m 99.9% certain a YouTube search will explain better than I can…
@teahands @ukcasual I’ve never been much of a fan of those kinds of chewy sweets to be honest. They’re too much hard work to eat 😆