duderium [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020

  • The only diet that has worked for me so far is just to consciously eat less at every meal. Eat until you are full, but then just don’t eat anything after that. Drink water and decaf to stymy your appetite. Leave your home so you’re less tempted to eat. Do your best to exercise. Measure your weight under the same circumstances every week. Stay away from liquid calories. Doing this has resulted in me losing about a pound per week for months.

  • America might be flawed but it’s still overall a force for good in the world.

    Biden might suck but we should still vote for Democrats on the state or local levels and participate in the [nonexistent] primary to put pressure on Democrats because they are clearly better than Republicans and progressives would never lie to us (cough bernie cough fetterman cough AOC).

    Communism is impossible because it goes against human nature.

    China is capitalist.

    Organizing for revolution in the USA is hopeless.

    It’s impossible to scientifically understand human societies, even though humans are part of nature and nature can be scientifically understood.

    We can solve all our problems with technology alone. There’s no need to change anything else.

    Things will be better in the future even if I don’t actually do anything to make them better. (This one has been an issue for me. “The future” for a Marxist like myself isn’t terribly different from religious visions of paradise.)