• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Oh I didn’t mean to imply otherwise - Overcast is awesome.

    I guess I worded my question poorly. I’m more asking if there’s any way to block trackers without blocking the entire podcast.

    The stream/download just hangs, or errors out because it “cannot connect to creep.noteventhehost.fm” or whatever - just won’t load at all until I unblock and it’s able to do its dirty work.

    Not sure if this is even within the capabilities of a client… I’m starting to think not, and that I’ve asked a stupid question lol

  • Evolutionary psychology is behind one of the primary theories, in the simple way that it’s prudent for us to be wary of things that might hurt us. Bugs can sting, bite, invade, cause sickness/death, or poison us.

    There’s also the disgust aversion angle, which is tied to the relationship between a lot of bugs and indirect environmental threats (also ties into evolutionary reasoning) like rotting things, or corpses specifically.

    In the broadest strokes, we associate bugs with pain, disease, death, and decay.

  • I used to think of “blocking” as an extreme measure, but for us individuals, it’s really not. You get to decide what your feed looks like. Especially here.

    BAMO -> block and move on

    What flipped the mental switch for me was facebook, of all places.

    I hate it and was off it for years, then we moved to a small town with no subreddit, only a damn fb group. Man I went on a blocking spree with all the proudly terrible people, and now I have both an actually useful local town group AND a separate handy list of people I don’t need to bother meeting.

  • I love a good gezpacho in the summer. Super refreshing

    This one’s new to me and it sounds delicious. I love everything that’s in it. The colour is gonna be a challenge for westerners though… Pepto Bismol trauma giving me an unpleasant Pavolvian response to that shade of pink haha

    Feel like it might be worth trying anyway

  • Oh man I absolutely feel this.

    I’ve been self employed WFH for almost 20yrs now and the lunch-alone struggle has not gotten easier.

    When I do make the effort though, it’s usually worth it.

    Lately I’ve been in a rut where, if I get up from my desk at all, it’s to forage, not prepare a meal. Like, I’ll call a fistful of peanuts or a banana lunch, or some cold fridge meat with mustard and no plate. It’s depressing.

    When I make something colourful and intentional, though, I always feel better. It forces me to get my head out of work mode and take a break, and it’s satisfying to make something that looks and tastes nice. I feel more like a person too, if that makes sense. Not to mention my brain works better when I actually feed it real food, heh

    Like anything, it’s just starting that’s the hard part.