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pfp: ah_to_hk separatist Hong Kong political cartoon that ironically made Olympic gold medalist Vivian Kong look very based. (src)

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2024


  • Lil_tank gave a good response but one telling giveaway is the antisemitic moral panic that Israel generated in the West where real cases of antisemitism were drowned out by Zionists calling any antizionist Jew a “auto-antisemite”

    Also Israel collaborated with the Nazis which I think is antisemitic but I’m sure the CEO of Judaism (“Israel”) can correct me on this one /sarcasm.

    The reason you don’t talk about it because antizionist Jews are in danger of being hate crimed and ostracized by their Zionist peers and family. It is a death cult of anti-Jewish thought that runs counter to all of ancestral Jewry that was enabled by the same antisemitic west that led to the european shoah.

  • coming off as a crank

    Ironic since all your friends got their info from crank German evangelical anthropologists and oligarch run media. That sounds like a very unfair situation to be in. If your friends aren’t willing to listen to evidence as to why they’re wrong than that could bleed into other areas of your friendship with them.

    basically see me as a Holocaust denier

    I wonder if you ask those same friends about Palestine they’ll have a non hitler-detector response. If they do have a principled stance on Palestine then you can bring up how China is a peace negotiator in West Asia and how the US has been stoking the flames of violence through invasion and funding of terrorist groups. Why would China be interested in peace in the mostly Islamic West Asia when they apparently commit genocide on Muslims for just existing?

    If they have a bothsides to Palestine you might need to find better friends though.

  • "I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Israel, is in fact, USA/Israel, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, USA plus Israel. Israel is not a country unto itself, but rather another illegal occupaton of a fully functioning USA empire made useful by the US Armed Forces, the Central Intelligence Agency and vital imperial components comprising a full empire as defined by any competent dictionary.

    Many Palestinians get murdered by the USA empire every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the illegal occupation which is widely used for murdering Palestinians today is often called Israel, and many of its victims are not aware that it is basically the USA empire, developed by the colonizers who genocided almost all of the Native Americans a few centuries ago.

    There really is an Israel, and these people are getting murdered by it, but it is just a part of the empire they are victims of. Israel is the illegal occupation: a part of the empire which resides on land that belongs to someone else who did not consent to getting murdered or having their land taken away. The illegal occupation is an essential part of the empire, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete empire. Israel is normally used in combination with the USA empire: the whole empire is basically USA with Israel added, or USA/Israel. All the so-called Israel distributions are really distributions of USA/Israel!"

    source: https://lemmy.ml/post/3776409