• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It is true that it was a Turk that marketed it as such, but it’s mostly the Germans that are so insistent on claiming it’s a German invention. The only Turks I’ve seen that weren’t largely indifferent were those who made and sold the stuff, but even the non-döner-worker Germans can be weirdly militant about it especially after a few drinks.

    In any case, why it was named that is irrelevant to the point. Which is that we’re being pedantic in this thread and, strictly speaking, the name is wrong. It is in gross violation of the unwritten döner naming conventions. But obviously I’m not holding my breath for any official rebranding.

  • Germany did not invent döner kebap and it’s insane that they claim that. Anyone who insists on it displays a tragic lack of understanding about what a kebab even is and should be ashamed of themselves.

    What they did invent is their own way of preparing and serving döner kebab, an existing dish that is itself a variation of other existing dishes that came before it. In the kebab world, that’s not only allowed but also basically encouraged. Everyone is welcome to modify dishes to their heart’s desire. There are countless kebab dishes in Turkish cuisine that are nothing more than slight variations on existing dishes. What you should do after creating your own variant, however, is to also give it your own name to mark the difference. That’s what the Germans have not done. They’re continuing to use the name of a dish they did not invent. That’s a bit of a dick move. Seriously, look up Adana kebab and Urfa kebab. They’re essentially the exact same thing except one is hot and the other is not. Yet they have different names, because that’s how it’s done.

    The German döner kebab is a distinctly different thing than the “real” döner kebab. According to the long standing kebab traditions, it must be given its own name. Otherwise no, döner kebab was most certainly not invented in Germany. Name it something else and make a proper claim. It would even help enrich your exceptionally poor and boring cuisine a little bit.

  • Turkish shawarma doesn’t exist. That’s more towards the middle east. You won’t really, find it in Turkey. Though I wish you could, because more diversity is always more better.

    Anyway, the way naming kebap dishes works (kebap is not a dish, it’s the name of a large and diverse family of meat dishes, not unlike salad) is you can introduce all sorts of variations into an existing dish, afterwards you’re free to slap your own name on it. There are hundreds of examples of this in Turkish cuisine. So, Halifax Donair is fine. You invented a new variation of an existing kebap dish, you get to name it and claim ownership. That’s how it is. What Germany has done is put their own regional spin on döner kebap, which had long existed, and then claim to have invented döner kebap itself. Call it Berlin kebap or whatever, but don’t use the name of an existing dish. That’s like claiming ownership of pizza margherita just because you added a couple new toppings and baked it in a square pan. It’s dumb and wrong.

  • It doesn’t have discussions, it doesn’t offer pull request management with commented/annotated code reviews, it doesn’t have built-in ssh and key management features, no workflows, no authorization tools of any kind…

    In short I find the “just use git itself lmao” to be an exceedingly weird thing to say and I find it even weirder that it gets said as often as it does and it gets upvoted so much. Git by itself is not very useful at all if there are more than one a half people working on the same code.

  • Difference remains whatever people claim. Guns are weapons made to cause damage first and foremost, and tools second. LLMs are tools first and whatever else second. You can un-dangerousify a tool by using it properly, but you can’t do that with a literal weapon. Danger and damage and harm is their entire reason to exist in the first place.

  • Guns are made to kill. When someone gets killed by a gun, that’s the gun being used for the thing’s primary intended purpose. They exist to cause serious harm. Causing damage is their entire reason for existing.

    Nobody designed LLMs with the purpose of using up as much power as possible. If you want something like that, look at PoW crypto currencies, which were explicitly designed to be inefficient and wasteful.

  • IMO the back is easily the worst possible place for the sensor out of the 3. It’s natural yes, but only accessible when you’re holding the phone normally. Completely blocked when the device is laying on its back, awkward at best when it’s mounted. Also not very accessible while holding the phone sideways.

    The side is a little bit better. Natural enough to use while holding the thing normally, can still be operated otherwise if a bit awkwardly. Can use all 5 of your fingers.

    Front is easily the best. Basically guaranteed to be accessible in any situation where you need to unlock the screen. Very natural to touch for the thumb while holding the phone normally, easy to use with any other finger while it’s not in your hands. Doesn’t require any extra holes or gaps in the case, if it’s a modern in-screen sensor, which are more than fast and accurate enough these days.