Fark => Digg => Reddit => Lemmy

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Removing his ability to play stocks at all is removing his ability to earn money. His investors will leave him and the interest on his loans will liquidate him. We’ve seen more than a few of his type flash up and fade away. Milken. Pickens. Belfort. And of course, Madoff. Just to name a few we know by a single name.

    He would still be wealthier than 99.99% of people but then so are a lot of folks on the planet. That’s 80 million people left over in that .01%. That’s not all that powerful at all. It’s removing him from the .00001% thats the goal. And killing his stock market abilities would do that over-night. It’s why he bought Twitter, he had to because this was the alternative.

  • Twitter was purchased at 44 billion in late 2022. It did not cost Twitter 44 billion to run for the years prior. That is very much profit for those shareholders considering especially that 44 billion was a significant percentage higher than the value at the time. It cost less than half a billion to keep Twitter’s lights on every quarter. They started in 2006. So assuming from the get go it cost half a billion a quarter (and you know it didn’t right?) … that’s 32 billion to run Twitter the years it was open. And they sold for 44 billion, meaning 12 billion in profit in a windfall.

    Still following?

    And for a social media company’s primary shareholders, selling that company is the ultimate goal and only way to realize true profits. That’s the social media scam. Zuckerberg right? You think he wants to run Facebook? He has to, he’s an employee at this rate. Well compensated sure but he doesn’t pull the strings.

    What’s hilarious is Elon didn’t understand all that. He bought Twitter for cash money. There is no way on God’s green earth he manages to turn a profit with it because no social media company has been able to either - not with an entire board and public stock, so certainly not with a private company either. All the profit mechanisms they had before were contingent on the stock market, on speculation. That’s all gone now. It’s private. There is no public stock price to affect.

  • I can respect the stance, kind of. Can I offer an alternative perspective on that though?

    For starters, Oligarchs don’t always win. That’s defeatism, don’t do that - for your own good.

    But the main thing I’m pointing out is that there’s a particularly stinky arrogance in the creation of a hypothetical “little guy helped by my words”, and I know it because when I honestly ask myself why I contributed to reddit, it’s for me, not others. I wrote because I enjoyed it. Both quality and quantity. And while many people may have been helped by my words in one way or another and I’m happy for them, I didn’t honestly write any of it for them. I did it for me. And it was me who didn’t want to see the content go off into the nether, I was the hold-up. In my view, that’s again - a particularly stinky kind of arrogance. One I recognized in myself and took action to overcome. Your comment reminded me of it is all.

  • I mean why couldn’t there be a dedicated service that indexes everything? Whoever makes it and gets it working in a user friendly manner is going to have a significant level of control on the content that is shown in the results. If you don’t want it, it isn’t indexed. I don’t have to stretch the imagination to think of parties that have good reason to want to be first to do that across Activity Pub as a whole. Mastodon is already a big frontrunner in that regard.

  • so I don’t really get what this accomplishes.

    It weakens reddit’s ability to use that data for their own AI models. That is the reason for the whole api kerfluffle in the first place, there’s no other way to block other AIs from crawling the data for content. OpenAI and others likely made tens if not hundreds of millions off the content in reddit in the last few years, and they paid reddit nothing for it. It’s got reddit admins and executives really pissed off.

    Thing is, Reddit paid me nothing for the content too though. At the end of the day I don’t want my content propping up another fascist billionaire social media mogul with an ego problem, not even a little bit. They burned their bridge so I took my toys and left.

  • really the only thing I found on reddit that wasn’t readily available elsewhere was “how to get X game to run in a particular way” or something equally inane.

    While it’s a vast collection of advice and such, I think it’s debatable whether it’s good. It’s also a bastion of fascism and the admins seem to be encouraging it. I would argue reddit themselves played as big a role in promoting the Trump campaign and presidency as Twitter did. Maybe bigger, because it gave them a marshalling platform.

    All in all I don’t think it’s even a close decision, the plusses outweigh the minuses by a lot.

  • Honestly is it all that sad? In a way it’s beautiful.

    Buddhist monks spend weeks or months constructing sand mandalas on the stone floors of a temple, only to sweep it up immediately upon finishing it. They are beautiful works of art, but their real value to the monks lies in the process of their creation. What reason is there to hold on to it? Instead, take the lessons learned and bring those with you, go forth and create new mandalas more exquisite than before.

    I just deleted well over 10 million words from my comment history, many things I’ve read over and over and many I never thought about again. I’m still the same person, in fact I’m stronger for it. No need to hold on to the past.