I dont need a take on things like SystemD but im going to have one anyway
And on an unrelated note so does bash
I dont need a take on things like SystemD but im going to have one anyway
And on an unrelated note so does bash
The problem is how do you do that while preventing fraud?
Even better, start reminding people that Liberalism (and Capitalism by extension) will cause the working class to starve and things will only get worse until all workers rise up
Fun fact: Jesus was Transmasc
Personally I think we should bring back physical games to PC. Imagine a cartridge like device that can effectively use external storage as swap memory (which copies to ram as needed), laptops and desktops can be built with this while other computers could use an adapter.
One one hand I absolutely despise capitalists, on the othe hand I really want to look like that (but in a very not cis and very sis way)
You cant beat a classic AK-47 but personally my favorite weapon of destruction is whatever weapon thats close enough for me to take.
You forgot cute skirts, thigh highs, and Blåhaj
Anyone whos new to gaming on Linux is probably using the Steam Flatpak, also stability is more important for newer users then a few utilities that power users (like myself) enjoy.
Try Debian
The difference between Linux and Windows is on Linux you’re working with the operating system to make modifications and taking advantage of its vast resources (extensive wikis on major distos, terminal auto completion with fish and zsh, preconfigured defaults when installing through the package manager, etc). Meanwhile on Windows you’re actively working against the system in order to disable unwanted features like AI and telemetry.
(Also I would recommend looking into Debian, the software may be a tad bit old but its the most stable distribution)
God made people, glock made them equal. I personally love firearms and this great quote
Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.
-Karl Marx
What I don’t understand is what harm is being reduced by doing “harm reduction”? I get maybe one or two election cycles the candidate isn’t ideal but after decades of horrible candidates that increasingly become more right wing over time it seems that no real harm is being reduced. Working class people are are still starving under Biden and likely will under Kamala, simultaneously the Capitalist class continues to aquire obscene amounts of wealth. Meanwhile we’re all supposed to go along with the idea that Neoliberalism is the only option while so called “radical leftists” (social democrats and social liberals) are too extreme for government. This election cycle we’re offered a candidate that has promised to encourage fracking, likley will not offer any federal protections for women and other minorities, openly supports Israel, and is overall a spineless corrupt career politican that for some reason we’re all supposed to nod our heads to and say “yup shes the face of the American left”. If we keep doing “harm reduction” soon we will all be reduced to nothing.
Thats like saying all lives matter specifically after an African American gets brutally killed by a cop. Obviously all lives matter but its simply not the time nor place when the conversation was about hate crime against African Americans. In this case its absolutely distasteful to say “all rape is bad” when the topic is specifically about a female victim and a male perpetrator.
Its a tough choice but I actually despise the ATF the most out of all the three letter glowie organizations. Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms should be the name of a convenience store not a federal department.
I dont think human blood is vegan, neither is a lot of vitamin d supplements
Why does it have to be human blood? Why not cow blood or chicken blood?
Its comparing apples and oranges. Or in this case a series of sci-fi shows and a series of space fantasy movies.
The USA was so amazing that they had to make a sequel, thats why we have USB
No thanks, im Asexual