I just jumped in, start making some cool projects
I just jumped in, start making some cool projects
Ved ikke om jeg helt forstår hele konteksten (har dog læst artiklen), men selve forbrydelsen er vel bare at tjene penge på sex (ekstremt sex omend). Og så er han ““tilfældigvis”” politiker
Jaa det er selvfølgelig rigtigt, men det var lige i dag det passede bedst. Det er heldigvis overstået nu😅
Troede lige kort der stod 2024
That’s true, it’s actually nice singing.
I think my favorite is the one with Santa, mainly because I think it’s a good Doctor Who episode
Focus more on studies. The last semester has been an absolute bore, the topics of this semester should be much more exciting and challenging
You’ve got this!
Good on you! I’ve actually considered the same thing
Where do you reckon you can make a difference?
Skal bytte julegaver i dag, men kan ikke helt magte det🤷
She really is! I recently bought tickets for her What Happened to the Earth-tour, I’m really excited, this will be my first time hearing her live
Totally, my most heard song this year is The River, and in general The Gods We Can’t Touch, now I’m starting to really appreciate Earthly Delights and Invisible Wounds
Hov, er lige vågnet efter en lur fra Feddit (på omkring et år). Kan se min automatiske betaling på liberapay er gået i stå, det er ikke meget, men den burde være i gang igen 👌 Fortsat tak for din tjeneste!
Actually, you are right, I think I missed maybe 2 lectures in total, but they did not get registered because my class covered for me (In the Danish school system, we are only divided into a single group, which then takes classes together)
It’s incredible that your friend passed. My dad also told me a story about a classmate of his, who showed up a single time each year, and then passed all exams with top-grades
Det er jeg helt enig i
(svarer kun ud fra sammendrag) kan heller ikke se på hvilke andre måder de skulle have været skadelige, synes ikke umiddelbart det er en stor nyhed at man skal benytte skærm med måde🤷
Flot opsummering! Tak!
Okay :D
Hvor lang er optagelsen?
I agree with all the advice given in this thread. I just want to add that I think you should try to avoid chatgpt (or least use it in a way it explains the problem to you without giving you the answer), as it solves trivial problems easily, and solves complex problems with bugs.