Casual MMORPG enjoyer. Currently. #GuildWars2 is the time-sink of choice. I use #nixos btw. 🤓🐧

I have a #photography hobby in real life, so I like to take screenshots in games and see if I can make blend my two hobbies.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • @necropola I don’t like doing them at all personally. They’re super boring to me. Unless they come up with something in the next release/maps that increases the drops of those essences or give other ways of getting them, I think my excitement for the OW legendary armor has completely evaporated and I’m going to have to slog through WvW if I want that.

    But also, with the introduction of the stat-selectable exotic vendor, I wonder if the whole legendary armor thing is a huge waste of time.

  • @asal I can speak from my experience. I made Celestial Ascended gear for my Alac mechanist. It was really just a project for me, was looking for something to do in game. I don’t really have much interest in Fractals, but now I’d be ready. I think if your intent behind making cele ascended gear would be to get into fractals, know that cele will likely only get you so far. Higher end groups look for specific stats for the most part.