• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Mein Wochenende war sehr unaufregend. Hatte letzte Woche mit schlimmen Zahnschmerzen ungeklärter Ursache zu kämpfen (war bei zwei Zahnärzten, die beide meinten, Röntgen und auch klinische Untersuchung waren komplett unauffällig - aber meine Backe war echt dick). Vor allem an einem Tag hatte ich wirklich unerträgliche Nervenschmerzen und gleichzeitig hatte ich von den vielen Schmerzmitteln, die eh kaum noch halfen, ziemliche Kreislaufprobleme. Die akuten Schmerzen sind zum Glück weg, aber ich war das ganze Wochenende lang noch ziemlich erledigt. Aber immerhin hab ich die Wohnung ein wenig geputzt :)

    Abseits von Arbeit steht bei mir diese Woche an, einen guten Kieferorthopäden zu suchen. Und ein bisschen mehr Sozialleben hoffentlich :)

  • Yes, each time I think about what the alternative outcome for the two kitties would have been, I become sentimental :')

    I am happy that you could save your cat as well! While the success rate is not 100%, it seems to be somewhere around 80% under the less-than-optimal conditions with black market and some vets opposing the treatment (I used to do the statistics for one German group that has assisted the treatment of around 3000 cats since 2020, so if anyone’s interested, I’m happy to share data!).

    In my opinion, those odds mean that it’s always definitely worth a shot! I personally would have even tried it for my own cats if the odds were 50/50 or lower. He was diagnosed just before his second birthday and I’m so glad that he’s fully recovered and has led a completely normal life since.

    All the best to you and your potato!

  • So good to hear that you could save your cat! I have also treated two cats for FIP with GS-441524: my own cat, who was diagnosed with dry FIP in September 2020 and who is now an almost 5 year old healthy cat and a stray cat that was diagnosed with neurological FIP in August 2021 and has also been healthy and happy for a long time :)

    It’s a shame that the treatment is still not approved due to the patent issues, but at least in the German-speaking world, an increasing number of vets have learned about the treatment and have a positive attitude about it. While they can’t officially prescribe or administer the drug, mentioning the drug shouldn’t be an issue because they could even refer to the ongoing studies at LMU Munich.