wrong, the Libertarian would gladly sell him a do a hitler salute pass™
wrong, the Libertarian would gladly sell him a do a hitler salute pass™
kein Gott, kein Staat, kein Patriarchat
I tried to simplify it, also I don’t think OP meant those other groups with the clown shoes
yeah, but I know some libertarians and the reason most of them don’t like the age of consent is, that a child is basically the parents property in our current system, and I (especially with trans rights in mind) can see their point, parents shouldn’t be able to ruin a child’s life just because they fucked without condom
that being said a lot of libertarians are pedos
I actually agree with libertarians more often than with communists, because being anti authoritarian is my most inportant value
an anarcho communist to be exact
I wouldn’t say that actual libertarians are conservatives (I know some in europe), but a lot of conservatives in the us larp as libertarians because that was the original vision of the us freedom fighters and they also on some level think they are libertarians because they think libertarians are smart (because the avrg libertarian is way smarter than the avrg conservative) but your joke still works because conservatives and libertarians are both pedos
the word libertarian comes from anarchists (eg. libertarian socialists) however right wing anarchists (anarcho capitalists) have claimed the term, so now a libertarian is a right wing anarchist
already replied to a comment suggesting something similar:
imperialism (from ddg):
The extension of a nation’s authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political dominance over other nations.
I think you can read
EDIT: forgot the src
> imperialism is when invading other countries
> russia invades ukraine
> russia isn’t imperialist
leftists when they claim to be anti imperialist but just support the other empire, your view of those things align with what the russian state wants you to think
they can but usually don’t, when tiktok was pretty new I became a nazi because of it and I stayed that until I saw how the government (any and every government) is a corrupt force that lies to you amd hurts you in other ways
on lemmy you are usually provided sources tho
something a lot of people miss is, that some people have to shop for more than 3 or 4 people, when I grew up we were 5 plus a somewhat big dog, you can’t really do weekly shopping without some kind of help under these circumstances
I use public transport to get everywhere I can, which is pretty easy where I live, but having 4 full shopping bags on a tram sounds like a horrible experience
china isn’t honest about labour camps for muslim minorities, why would they be about the incarceration rate?
> Both countries are authoritarian to me.
lmao, explain to me please how any state can be not authoritarian
I do give a fuck about china tho, since it’s even worse than the us imo and people on lemmy try to glorify it constantly
wtf? 0.5l of coke and 0.5l of monster cost the same where I live