Ahaha! It is already bad!
My email: musicscratchgame2009@gmail.com
Ahaha! It is already bad!
Wow. Understanding GNU’s man page?
BSD developers: who cares about that. And, it is already happen. Android libc use lots of code of OpenBSD libc. OpenSSH is used everywhere.
GNU’s ssh implementation seems to be some abandoned trash, even though it was started in 1998, before OpenSSH. If OpenSSH doesnt exist, we can hope that everyone will be using differently broken ssh implementations; I’d expect gnu ssh to be a buggy, unreliable implementation which support hundreds of thounsands of flags and configuration options. Workers everywhere will be punished because of their buggy implementation of ssh. Why workers in every companies have to make their own ssh implementation? They should be doing something else.
OpenBSD is the easiest to use.
supporting wine is a shame.
It can read every bit of that partition.
Why don’t more distro use LibreSSL? Why don’t more distro use mandoc? Why don’t more distro use clang?
Send diff to their lists.
The main argument is, the number of Debian’s Apparmor policies is not comparable to RHEL’s SELinux policies.
If anyone saw a guy named AnonymouseJoker posting on any thread about GrapheneOS and criticize it, please ignore. What he is doing is spreading misinformation about an operating system that take a true approach to security. So CIA agents aka “journalists” will not find out a secure operating system to use, and then their phone can explode whenever the Chinese government want.
What I do here is analyzing the content of TheAnonymouseJoker’s posts. When I saw he say 98% Chinese people approve their government, it popped up in my brain today that TheAnonymouseJoker is separating disgusting “journalists” from a secure operating system. Then those “journalists” will get their device hacked by the Chinese government when they came to China. Is that right?
I might be in their room next month. But what they gain from kidnapping a 15 years old child from Viet Nam? I’m not Zhuge Liang. Reading Sun Tsu’s book and find out the reason why a joker jokes is not something special.
Just words of extreme nationalists.
Encrypted forms are not usable. Uncaught Error: TIMEOUT. I enabled WASM.
What have you used that’s worked well? Or, could I run Rufus on my linux machine with WINE?
Using Wine is just stupid enough.
dd is safe. I have used Balena’s Etcher 2 years ago but it seems the drive isn’t bootable in UEFI mode!
Also mean more commercial distros. Less donations to BSDs projects.
And it also increase the strength of Apple and Google, do you want to see that?
It requires any modifications to be under GPL.
And it also requires anything that incorporate GPL codes also be under GPL.
And the code must be published to the copyright holder as far as I know.
How it harms the end user are described.
(A)GPL restrict the modification of the software. I’m sharing an example how that restriction works.
Compile it, install it to your ~/bin.