sewer_rat_420 [he/him, any]

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2024


  • Long post venting about issues with a friend. CW: CSA discussion


    So I have been friends with this guy a while, but he moved away and just visited for the first time in over a year. There have been some issues with him in our group chat that has him, my partner, and another friend. Mostly, the issues come from him falling into a reddit-fueled spiral of turning into an insufferable incel liberal asshole. He was so furious at the men/bear meme a few months back and also got into a fight with me when I said I’m not voting for biden, where I was accused of falling for Russian propaganda

    Well he stayed with us a few days and let’s just say it was not the most pleasant. Mostly he was being lowkey rude to everyone, especially my partner. I guess he hasn’t really made any friends since he moved and has just regressed and isolated himself socially even more.

    The morning he was leaving, somehow the topic of lolicon came up. As I had suspected, his full vaushite form emerged as he sprung into a defense of lolicon as a great way for pedos to get it out of their system, and this is backed up by a scientific paper. Now, I don’t really know what the consensus is, I am not a psychologist nor a pedo, but I do know that it is sus to be defending loli if you aren’t also consuming loli. Maybe he is just 3edgy5me but that convo sorta shook us.

    Well, fast forward to today (the loli convo was yesterday) and we wake up to him panicking and posting on Facebook about “allegations” or something, then he tells us in the group chat someone is blackmailing him with nudes and claiming he is a pedo and sent them to minors. I have heard of these scams and sextortion, but in the context of the loli convo I was extra sketched out and had a talk with him basically asking to explain himself. Long story short, in this case I do believe he was not acting as a pedo but simply a horny idiot who threw privacy standards out the window so he could show his dick to an obvious scam/fake account he found on reddit.

    Well now he is supposed to stay another night with us to catch his flight and we gotta come up with an excuse why he can’t. Mostly, he just hasn’t been pleasant and we don’t want him here, but pile on today’s weird events and its all just a bit more awkward.

    He is at least handling this decently well and his family is being supportive despite being rudely awakened by his dick pic (apparently he only had the pic leaked to them so far) and so I’m not seriously worried about him harming himself or anything. But going forward I am worried about his slide into all this bullshit. And he for some reason thinks I’m all in for kamala now, I mean I was definitely coconut posting a lot when biden dropped out but that is not my official endorsement by any means, and he will be very upset to find I am leaning PSL.

    The sad thing is we were both relatively radical members of our union and that’s part how we got to know each other well and now he is just turning into an incel shell of himself but…oh well not my problem and the friendship will probably eventually if he can’t get his shit together. Unfortunately the cis male mind virus might gave already done to much damage :(