thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]

ἐγὼ τὸ μὲν δὴ πανταχοῦ θρυλούμενον κράτιστον εἶναι φημὶ μὴ φῦναι βροτῷ·

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • Is Kamala Harris not the second highest ranked official in an administration actively arming genocide and providing intelligence, aid, and money to keep that genocide going? It’s like arguing that high ranking Nazi officials weren’t responsible for the Holocaust because they weren’t “in charge.” She’s actively serving in an administration carrying out genocide. She could always just resign. She hasn’t. She is participating in genocide, no question.

  • Oh absolutely we lost things. For instance, I really wish more of Euripides plays were extant (specifically Bellerophon, would love to read that one based on the fragments we do have), and we know that the Library of Alexandria had copies (there’s a famous story, perhaps apocryphal, that the librarian had all of Euripides’ manuscripts sent from Athens, meticulously copied and disseminated across the Hellenic world), and they probably burned. But plenty of others had copies too, and none of those have survived to the present. But it is different in that we often know what we lost. The Little Iliad, for example, or Sappho’s poetry. And we do have a mass amount of stuff we didn’t lose. In the case of the Maya, we lost everything. We have only a tiny idea of what texts were out there. The texts we do have a fragments, none complete. Hell we only decoded Mayan glyphs in the mid 20th century!

  • Best part of this is that Russians have three names (a first name, surname, and a patronymic) and they love using nicknames. So the main character is Rodion (first name) Romanovitch (patronymic) Raskolnikov (surname), but can (and is) called by any of those three names. He’s also got nicknames like Rodya, Rodenka, and Rodka. So this deranged individual (who decided to call Raskolnikov “Pete” I guess) is going to be hopelessly confused when somebody starts referring to Rodya, and he’ll think the book is filled with like five times as many characters as it actually is.