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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Depends on what you mean by religion.

    Buddhist monks and nuns shave their heads and don the robes as a ceremonial act of letting go of identity views such as ‘us and them’ and even self and other.

    This and not holding onto dogmatic views in general is a big part of the practice and the teachings.

    Not saying all Buddhists are perfect by any means. I’ve hung out in enough Buddhist online spaces to come across a lot of dogmatism and people using Buddhism itself as an identity view. Myself included when I wasn’t as far along my own path.

    But the intention of the practice is to point these things out and help people to let them go. Not to cling to them.

  • You didn’t try to correct me at all.

    You shamed me and acted like I wasn’t even there.

    Go read your comment.

    I’m talking to you now. You tried to publicly shame me because I didn’t know something?

    Because I was misinformed by the media?

    Because I’ve been in jail and didn’t have the same access to information that you did?

    I was speaking in good faith based on information that as far as I knew was true. You’re the first person that has ever pointed that out to me and if you would have done it in a gentler manner you would have won somebody to your side and made a friend instead of somebody that’s going to tell you to go fuck yourself

  • Honestly I was in jail when all of that happened so the news I got about it was the misinformation that was originally leaked by the media. Misinformation that came from somebody that worked at the DNC and was backed up by Elizabeth Warren…

    And you could have corrected the narrative without being a total fucking dick about it like you just did.

    Instead I looked it up and educated myself. And you came out looking like an asshole.

  • Right, because she didn’t move far enough to the left. That’s what I was saying about she needed to turn out her base too.

    And as I said in my other comment I think protest voting is petty and stupid. But I think Hillary’s sense of entitlement was a huge fucking turn off to lots of people including voters on the left but also centrists.

    So this is a situation of mutual responsibility. And blaming voters for not showing up when Hillary didn’t do her part to encourage them to show up I don’t think it’s helpful either.

  • I mean I’m voting for Biden Don’t get me wrong. And I think protest voting is a petty act of rebellion that doesn’t really help.

    But I also think acting like your entitled to votes rather than needing to spend effort turning out your base, is also a wrong view.

    I guess I’m saying both Hillary and protest voters caused what happened in 2016. As well as the DNC betting on an establishment candidate when the pulse of the country was obviously sick of that shit.

  • Right but the way your framing it you’re acting like she moved a little bit to the left and that was the reason that left voters didn’t vote for her.

    At least that’s the way I’m understanding what you are saying which is why I asked. I wasn’t having fun. It was an honest question so I could hope to understand your position better.

    I was having fun with my Kool-Aid comment. But that was a different paragraph.

    A whole other way to frame this is that Hillary’s nepotism and the DNC lost that election by assuming that the left owes them their vote. Rather than thinking that politicians should earn our votes, and that the DNC should listen to the their base if they want voter turn out.

  • To find funding from oligarchs for campaigning in order to get votes.

    Nothing has a single cause and condition.

    Another way to look at it is that Clinton sold out. A third is that he was being pragmatic.

    Either way moving to the center didn’t win him votes with centrist voters as much as it allowed him to campaign effectively against an incumbent that was heavily backed by corporate finances.

    It wasn’t being centrist that won over voters in other words. It was being cenrist that won over oligarchs.

  • Here I think it’s best to delineate the GOP base and the GOP elite.

    What you say is most likely (though not always) true for the base. While not likely (though sometimes) true for the elite.

    And it’s not a delusional disorder. But the effects of propaganda by the elite. (Still technically delusion but I think it’s nice to point at the source, as it helps us not fall into the trap of blaming people for being manipulated).

    The reason we see more of this recently in broad daylight is because propaganda works. The oligarchs and political elite care about the same things they did during WW2, money and power. And up until Pearl Harbor, there was support for Germany in the U.S.


    And don’t forget, the GOP has a history of shitting on minorities that goes back many generations. This isn’t new. It’s just masks off. Because their base drank the kool aid.