• menas
    11 months ago

    Through our union work, it is very clear that a lot of boss would rather losing money than admit their made mistake. It is more common in small workplace than the biggest one; maybe because this bosses need to stand out from the working class, where the other are more obviously members of the upper class (small bourgeoisie, or under bourgeoisie).

    A lot of self-managed experience tried to overcome this weird case of alienation, being more productive than the current state of industry at that time. For example, the cooperative mouvement in agriculture, mutualisation lands and engine where directly inspired by revolutionary mouvement in 1936 spain or even 1920 USSR. In the end, it has been totally incoporated in capitalism in many countries.

    The Agile methodology even claim making teams self-managed; indeed teams organized by themselves could be more productive, but are even more alienated. We have the responsibility of the organization, without any power on our time, mean of production, or why we producing.

    In the end, we should asking what productivity mean. Is it producing more money in less time ? Being socially use full ? Or being under control ? It’s a political question, that help to understood what your experience is a very common today, as described in “Bullshit job” of David Graeber