Understand what make our life shitty, and smashing the smallest and less protected object of those things. Tesla, ATM, Adds, …
You could organize too, but its take more time to take effect
Understand what make our life shitty, and smashing the smallest and less protected object of those things. Tesla, ATM, Adds, …
You could organize too, but its take more time to take effect
Marxists and unionists
It’s fun with this rhetoric, 'cause if you replace imperialism by capitalism, and country name with corporation name, we immediately see how confuse it is. “You can’t say Shell is capitalist, it’s not the global leader in the Petrolum Market. BT is”
We are talking about system. The Federation of Russia engaged in a competition against NATO, which result in wars and economic predation for power and ressources.
The same logic apply for Iran and China, but not on the same scale. A state is structured with the current international relationship; it need to gather power to secure its existence. Exactly like a corporation. North Korea is weak example of imperialism, not because it would be “socialist”, but because it is losing the competition against other states.
That’s why strong workers organisations where independent from states and political parties. And that’s why we may mobilize first and mainly (but not only) against our one State imperialism, in order to not feeding this international competition.
And if you think that’s their is no colonial history in Russia, you may think again. The Eastern conquest had some similarity with the western one in the USA.
For information, a strike is going one in the video game industry in france, including ubisoft : https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@STJV/113843503849511121
And inside france :
We shall stop being anxious, and start to be outraged. Organize, fight back, even at small scale
People are self hosting their emails for themselves, their collective, or their relatives. This a solution to avoid regulations, and keep a low profile. Their is others solutions (such as, not using email, or encrypt email by yourself). You could keep saying that everybody should using VPN (which don’t remove the issue, but move it elsewhere) or we could be less idealist and see what people are actually doing, and why.
All I see is Direct Action
Sooo what proton will do now if some fascist law ask proton to jail people, or worst ? Please stop to say they have no choice. They choose to make a public organization, and say it is safe. It’s not. Being public, host data for people and activists, and respect imperialist law is not possible. This was a bad solution from the beginning.
You could say that they say so in their legal term. Nobody read them, and everybody still think proton is top notch on safety. We couldn’t warn every activists that this just marketing. Their is no collective with enough people to be heard.
Maybe you think that Proton leaders try their best. That not the point. The point is that people are being repressed, and that being critical could diminish their numbers in the futur.
Proton AG do not depend of the European Union. It’s a Switzerland company, that snitched ecelogist activist to french intelligence. Swiss is very conservative, with a lot of disdain for foreign workforce. I don’t see any contradiction.
Which on I don’t see how social revolution could not turn wrong without a being run directly by the workers. So I would recommend self-managed unions, such as those taking part in the International Confederation of Labor (ICL).
Their is other international organization of unions, but their are more a coordination than an international (for example Labor Solidarity. I would like to give other options, but as far as I know, they do not exist anymore.
unionize in an antifascist and international organization ?
Yep, the uniform seems to be a thing. However, the experience of social struggle is a thing too In France, after the police making their job (using gaz and punching people in struggle), firefighters fight back. This append several time, and have impact on public opinion (and main media bougeoisie)
I was surprise to learn that we couldn’t remove remove metadata from video zith exiftool
but have to use ffmpeg
wait, shell could make matrix multiplication ?
“abusing civilians” is not the worst of the french army in Africa. Several civilians bombardment, letting genocide going, and sometimes helping. News on that topics are always too soft. Everybody know that imperialism is bad, but we underestimate by far bad it is.
Time for real hardware
I would have put OpenBSD in “focus on security”. Or hell The only prebuild thing their is pain, pain and suffering
Brave is not a privacy focus browser.
News are quite anxious, and I understand that we have to take her of ourselves by categorize it. However all political contents do not bring anxiety. I’m sorry but ignoring people struggling for their lives with tag system is making hell places for them, not safe place.
I don’t see the point of that kind of contribution, and I must admit, I seems kind of suspicious to me