For me:

  1. Broccoli

  2. Carrots

  3. Onions (even if they make me gassy as a mofo)

I love American Chinese food and most of the dishes feature these three veggies so I always have a banger of a meal when I order.

Honorable mention to green peppers too, a very versatile veg that goes well in anything.

  • Krem [he/him]
    28 days ago

    im-vegan and love pretty much all vegetables, maybe i can do a top 10 but top 3 are difficult.

    i spent a lot of time in north europe where supermarkets only have shit fresh vegetables, also crazy expensive, and most frozen vegetables are mushy and bad. in south europe the selection is 10x better, and in asia it’s incredible. some vegetables you never see in europe, and some that in europe you can only find in specialised shops are instead available everywhere. in europe you need to go to a huge supermarket or an asian shop to get a small bag of bok choy for like 2€. in china bok choy is almost free, like 20c per kilo.

    anyway here are some i want to have often

    • 芥兰 Jielan/Kalam, similar to broccolini but more kale-ey. cantonese style steamed kalam with vegan oyster sauce is chefs-kiss
    • tomatoes, juicy, crunchy, sweet, sour, meaty, all good for different purposes
    • peppers, red/yellow/green bell peppers, turkish sivris, chinese luosijiao, poblanos, sweet or mild or a bit spicy (i love hot chilis too but they’re more of a spice than a vegetable)