TLDR: Laser printer, no AC, high humidity.

I live in Singapore, the environment here is hot, humid, pretty much all the time.

I’m lucky to live in a house with a good breeze, so I tend to keep the windows open and all the rooms, and rarely turn air conditioning on. When I do it’s only for the room I’m in.

My servers and printer, are in a room with no air conditioning usually, this hasn’t been a problem historically. But I just got a brother laser printer, and one of those unpacking it I noticed it had a massive desiccation packet packed inside the printable area.

I wonder if people have had any issues in high humidity environments, with either their electronics, or a laser printer?

When I used to live in an area with a heavy ocean sea breeze, I had electronics that rusted from the inside from the high salt content. So I do wonder.

    1 year ago

    I work in automation. We had one site in Florida that despite AC pumping all the time, had humidity issues. Electonics seemed to handle it ok, but paper was another story. This site would have to print information packs to get packaged up with the product, and it was a nightmare with the collating and folding automation, it just never wanted to work properly. The printers themselves would jam and have more issues than they should as well.