The training process that began several months ago is very close to completion and we’re excited to see what our new colleagues at DECA Games have in store for STO. That said, it has not been without its speed bumps, and we’ve therefore made the decision to focus our efforts on making a truly special Anniversary episode for early next year, instead of creating a new episode to release this fall.

    4 months ago

    Agreed. You sum up the more reasonable aspects of my actual “complaints” well. Uninteresting.

    However, I do still play daily. Now, more recently, that’s been no more than 30 minutes, simply to do the daily checkbox and leave. There’s (currently) nothing “interesting” for me; I hope the new team and arc will introduce a change for the better. I grew weary of the new coat of paint on the old grind TFOs. Worse still, the odd movement of the game further from science and exploration.

    What I want is the Foundry and puzzle-solving. What I have is a pew-pew DPS chase and there are much better (free/cheap) games out there which can do that. Still, I continue to log in daily because I want this game to explore the new direction they conclude the post with. :)