Most disgusting food, stupidest people, worst weather, whatever reason. What is the shittiest part of your country?

    1 year ago

    Germany: Probably my old hometown of Chemnitz

    Shitting on the federal state it’s in (Saxony) is very common among other Germans, especially from former West-Germany. I dont think it’s that bad here tbh.

    Except for Chemnitz. What a depressing grey blob of a city. Historically, it was fairly important, Germanys first locally built steam engine came from there and it was the workbench of Saxony, back when Saxony was an industrial and economic center.

    However, this is no more. Nowadays, after having been bombed to the ground and mismanaged to hell by the Soviets, Chemnitz is just an all around ugly and dirty city. Pretty much no noteworthy historical landmarks, fairly depressed people all around, a deep split in the population between political extremes and little perspective for the future.

    Not that I dont understand how the situation came to be, but damn is it one ugly city.