A lot of studios develop with the intention of being absorbed and/or bought out. The plan is usually to develop some niche incredible tech that’s only around PoC quality and then be acquired.
They didn’t get crushed by the big man here. That’s simply how the reality of the market goes.
It’s like pharmaceuticals. No one starts a new pharma company expecting to compete with Pfizer or Merck, the whole game is to develop a promising drug and then get your company bought out by one of them so they can use their resources to get it to the market.
Plus, the actual creatives aren’t gone just because their studio stopped making games, they usually keep working in some other role. It’s hardly ideal, but it’s wrong to frame this as a loss of their future contributions.
To equivocate a little, a great team is bottled lightning and having them disbanded because of market dynamics is a loss.
A lot of studios develop with the intention of being absorbed and/or bought out. The plan is usually to develop some niche incredible tech that’s only around PoC quality and then be acquired.
They didn’t get crushed by the big man here. That’s simply how the reality of the market goes.
It’s like pharmaceuticals. No one starts a new pharma company expecting to compete with Pfizer or Merck, the whole game is to develop a promising drug and then get your company bought out by one of them so they can use their resources to get it to the market.
Plus, the actual creatives aren’t gone just because their studio stopped making games, they usually keep working in some other role. It’s hardly ideal, but it’s wrong to frame this as a loss of their future contributions.
To equivocate a little, a great team is bottled lightning and having them disbanded because of market dynamics is a loss.