So my take seeing this guys ideology is that this will just communicate that men with a chip on their shoulder are fine to kill whoever they dislike but because it’s a ceo everyone’s vibing.
Like revolution without class consciousness is just violence imo and this “revolutionary act” is now just a dude killing someone he didn’t like. Just so happens we don’t like CEOs either so it muddies what I see as now (with his ideology as context) just a white dude popping off again.
It’s still funny that awful ceo is dead but like it’s not a win for socialism or class consciousness
Yeah I’m absolutely dying at people using the word “praxis” at this. Not only is it not “praxis” in the typical philosophical context (theory into action), in the Marxist context “praxis” doesn’t actually mean good things. “Praxis” in the Marxist context is “human activity”. Marx came up with a really cool sounding way to say “We need to see how this plays out to figure out what communism is, so lets all do stuff to figure it out.” Then online commenters jumped on a word that made them feel smart. “Praxis” in that sense is also a curse in the vein of “may you live in strange times”.
Most people who advocated “praxis” never had to actually live through or be targets of the upheaval that bore fruit. Using it for this situation is just advocating for action for action’s sake which is literally just fash, or advocating for accelerationism which is literally what this guy was, a right wing accelerationist.
It’s obvious that there’s nothing to learn here anymore guys.
people are learning about this and processing it at different rates. this site generally sees regular traffic of accounts stopping by once a day, or every few days, or daily. the hexbear collective opinion is processing this at different stages. some people weren’t able to personally read through his socials before they started going private
just let everyone absorb this. news is still coming out. i’m reading rumors everywhere that really confuse things. i’m not making anymore declarations about this until a few days passed.
I mean sure I agree, but this conversation isn’t “just” about the Adjuster. The admins in the last site wide struggle session claimed they want to move the culture away from shitposting, but the problem is that the democratic centralism that the site runs on effectively binds the culture and makes the only “safe” outlet shitposting.
Anyone who’s been in leftist spaces esp. online for a long time has seen this kinda shit. It’s why we’re talking about this like we’re gonna get banned for it. It also shows the reactionary tendencies that under gird this site, that’s the problem with democratic centralism in practice, you don’t really get to ask why, like Amazon you disagree and commit.
You effectively can’t, at least in a purely in an additive way. Unlike Stalin this site uses democratic centralism not to maintain some kind of power structure, but as a way to provide an objective safe space for various people. The cost of that safe space is the curtailing of discussion about the practical aspects and difficult edges of organizing, politics and theory.
Switching to a more subjective moderation to promote discussion would put people at risk of having to deal with the discussions whether in good faith or not regarding things that may feel unsavory and unsafe. Also let’s be honest, there isn’t that much basic discussion of theory that goes on here in comparison to the shit posting, so the change really wouldn’t matter as much.
Unfortunately the left doesn’t have the easy simple problem of “eternal September” to contend with, we have an “eternal September” that has to be intersectional. It’s in general a problem of trust, and it’s a hard one to solve for online communities.
If they ban you they better be prepared to ban me too ig.
Nothing about this is ‘revolutionary’ until more motion happens. People can mouth the right words, or even put wind behind them all they fuckin like but it doesn’t change the fact that white Amerika is not, and will never be doing it for the right reasons, or having taken the necessary steps beforehand.
I’ve genuinely hit a point where I expect it; but “uncomfortable” is exactly fuckin right. More and more every day, it becomes tempting to do what Angel does and limit my interaction with this site to em_poc and that’s about it
I want to vent somewhere after reading that insanity too. Mods finally got around to removals and bans, but only 3 days after saying she’d keep him on a pedestal no matter how right wing?!? [fedposting removed]
I’d be sad to see you leave the main site but I completely understand why you want to.
I wanna shitpost, chat with the girlie’s, dish the T and be autistic about melusines and instead a new thread pops up and it’s like did the user base grab their ushanka or their jackboots this morning
I’m obviously exaggerating but like erghhhhh.
Awwwh well least you have that space to bail to!! 💪
You perfectly described my apprehension upon reading this guy’s tweets.
Hopelessly naive to assume 1 dead CEO is going to change anything for the better when the entrentched powers that be can spin this shit any which way they want, especially now that this good looking kid with bougie bonafides has his incoherent, borderline fash ideology plastered all over the internet.
In the same vein as that cartoon about Nazis, this can turn into KILL YOUR ENEMY healthcare executives from kill your enemy HEALTH CARE EXECUTIVES.
So my take seeing this guys ideology is that this will just communicate that men with a chip on their shoulder are fine to kill whoever they dislike but because it’s a ceo everyone’s vibing.
Like revolution without class consciousness is just violence imo
and this “revolutionary act” is now just a dude killing someone he didn’t like. Just so happens we don’t like CEOs either so it muddies what I see as now (with his ideology as context) just a white dude popping off again.
It’s still funny that awful ceo is dead but like it’s not a win for socialism or class consciousness
Yeah I’m absolutely dying at people using the word “praxis” at this. Not only is it not “praxis” in the typical philosophical context (theory into action), in the Marxist context “praxis” doesn’t actually mean good things. “Praxis” in the Marxist context is “human activity”. Marx came up with a really cool sounding way to say “We need to see how this plays out to figure out what communism is, so lets all do stuff to figure it out.” Then online commenters jumped on a word that made them feel smart. “Praxis” in that sense is also a curse in the vein of “may you live in strange times”.
Most people who advocated “praxis” never had to actually live through or be targets of the upheaval that bore fruit. Using it for this situation is just advocating for action for action’s sake which is literally just fash, or advocating for accelerationism which is literally what this guy was, a right wing accelerationist.
It’s obvious that there’s nothing to learn here anymore guys.
people are learning about this and processing it at different rates. this site generally sees regular traffic of accounts stopping by once a day, or every few days, or daily. the hexbear collective opinion is processing this at different stages. some people weren’t able to personally read through his socials before they started going private
just let everyone absorb this. news is still coming out. i’m reading rumors everywhere that really confuse things. i’m not making anymore declarations about this until a few days passed.
I mean sure I agree, but this conversation isn’t “just” about the Adjuster. The admins in the last site wide struggle session claimed they want to move the culture away from shitposting, but the problem is that the democratic centralism that the site runs on effectively binds the culture and makes the only “safe” outlet shitposting.
Anyone who’s been in leftist spaces esp. online for a long time has seen this kinda shit. It’s why we’re talking about this like we’re gonna get banned for it. It also shows the reactionary tendencies that under gird this site, that’s the problem with democratic centralism in practice, you don’t really get to ask why, like Amazon you disagree and commit.
astute observation, succinctly stated. thank you.
how would you recommend this be fixed?
You effectively can’t, at least in a purely in an additive way. Unlike Stalin this site uses democratic centralism not to maintain some kind of power structure, but as a way to provide an objective safe space for various people. The cost of that safe space is the curtailing of discussion about the practical aspects and difficult edges of organizing, politics and theory.
Switching to a more subjective moderation to promote discussion would put people at risk of having to deal with the discussions whether in good faith or not regarding things that may feel unsavory and unsafe. Also let’s be honest, there isn’t that much basic discussion of theory that goes on here in comparison to the shit posting, so the change really wouldn’t matter as much.
Unfortunately the left doesn’t have the easy simple problem of “eternal September” to contend with, we have an “eternal September” that has to be intersectional. It’s in general a problem of trust, and it’s a hard one to solve for online communities.
Like I was rooting for him but finding out he’s a chud it’s like this isn’t fucking praxis lmao. It’s just a grudge.
I’m like yapping but…
Temp ban 3 days, reason: reddit false equivalency/doomerism/liberalism in
If they ban you they better be prepared to ban me too ig.
Nothing about this is ‘revolutionary’ until more motion happens. People can mouth the right words, or even put wind behind them all they fuckin like but it doesn’t change the fact that white Amerika is not, and will never be doing it for the right reasons, or having taken the necessary steps beforehand.
People who I thought were more considered have just shown their ass and it’s just uncomfortable and cringe at this point.
Edit: oh turns out we are talking about the same 🤡
I’ve genuinely hit a point where I expect it; but “uncomfortable” is exactly fuckin right. More and more every day, it becomes tempting to do what Angel does and limit my interaction with this site to em_poc and that’s about it
I want to vent somewhere after reading that insanity too. Mods finally got around to removals and bans, but only 3 days after saying she’d keep him on a pedestal no matter how right wing?!? [fedposting removed]
I’d be sad to see you leave the main site but I completely understand why you want to.
I wanna shitpost, chat with the girlie’s, dish the T and be autistic about melusines and instead a new thread pops up and it’s like did the user base grab their ushanka or their jackboots this morning
I’m obviously exaggerating but like erghhhhh.
Awwwh well least you have that space to bail to!! 💪
shout it from the rooftops
Dead CEO =
You perfectly described my apprehension upon reading this guy’s tweets.
Hopelessly naive to assume 1 dead CEO is going to change anything for the better when the entrentched powers that be can spin this shit any which way they want, especially now that this good looking kid with bougie bonafides has his incoherent, borderline fash ideology plastered all over the internet.
In the same vein as that cartoon about Nazis, this can turn into KILL YOUR ENEMY healthcare executives from kill your enemy HEALTH CARE EXECUTIVES.
It could have started a conversation or galvanised actual praxis but not when the root ideology is self absorbed fash shit.