I’ve seen the sort. When confronted with the real-world results of their moralizing, they retreat to quoting cherry-picked Bible verses and posting pictures of fetuses (“look how human she looks!”).
You know that episode of Futurama where Bender needs an update to be compatible with the new kind of robot, and he ends up living out a fantasy of escaping to an island of discarded robots where he lead an uprising?
There are people who need to be forced to live out their own personal Eraserhead.
Random question but I’m just wondering your position on this. Is the burden of proof on pro-choice or pro-life advocates when it comes to the humanity of a fetus? In other words, should abortion be legal until we can prove that a fetus is human or should it be illegal until we can prove it isn’t? Just genuinely curious.
They did, and pointing that out will (I’m guessing) be met with some form of covering their ears and saying “nah nah nah I can’t hear you.”
I’ve seen the sort. When confronted with the real-world results of their moralizing, they retreat to quoting cherry-picked Bible verses and posting pictures of fetuses (“look how human she looks!”).
Look how human she looks! Unknowingly points at pig fetus
“It was all part of god’s plan for you to have this [pig] baby!”
You know that episode of Futurama where Bender needs an update to be compatible with the new kind of robot, and he ends up living out a fantasy of escaping to an island of discarded robots where he lead an uprising?
There are people who need to be forced to live out their own personal Eraserhead.
Random question but I’m just wondering your position on this. Is the burden of proof on pro-choice or pro-life advocates when it comes to the humanity of a fetus? In other words, should abortion be legal until we can prove that a fetus is human or should it be illegal until we can prove it isn’t? Just genuinely curious.