I’m 370 lbs and today I had a doctor tell me that people who are skinnier than me are all like that because they work out and eat right. Can I get a roll call for the people who are less than 370 lbs and eat like shit or don’t work out? Because I’m pretty sure you exist.

Also, one time I had a doctor ask me “are you sure?” 4 times after I said I didn’t have any breathing problems. Like nah I’m just big.

  • StillNoLeftLeft [none/use name, she/her]@hexbear.net
    2 months ago

    My partner is the thin guy who ate everything all the way up to middle age and then covid gave him type 2 diabetes. He has always been treated decently at the doctors. He is very thin and also has sleep apnea, imagine that. Everytime it is brought up, people comment with “but you are not fat”. And that is a perfect example of what this crap does.

    I however am the weight lifting large and medically fat woman and have for example several sporting injuries that were never treated because of shitty treatment by medical staff due to my bodysize. I was also told at age 25 after giving birth that I would leave my kid motherless unless I lost weight because I would die young because I am fat. I was put into a special fat shaming program and shown boxes of healthy foods because apparently my at the time genetics studying ass was just that uneducated. I could go on and on with these stories and they start from school nurse appointments when I was just a kid.

    I’ve never eaten more than once a day, I tend to forget to do it. I have dieted most of my life, almost to my death until I decided to stop consuming the images and ideas my body will never meet. After I stopped dieting I got healthier and of course my body went back to the size it likes to be.

    My latest doctor visit however was different, been avoiding doctors for some years because of all the past shaming, but this time a young woman doctor chose to:

    -not start talking about weight as I wasn’t there for that

    -not open the write in she did with my bodysize, but instead mentioned it accurately later within other desciptors and mentioned the muscle mass as well

    -never needed me to go on a scale or assign a bmi to me, yet was able to treat me for what I was there for just fine.

    The younger doctors are doing better, there is hope.

    Edit. Gonna have to hide this thread if i can so if anyone replies, might not see it. It’s starting to show issues that bother me about Hexbear and body size /weight talk.