This isn’t me being a luddite. Machinery has massive potential benefit to giving humans more free time to pursue things that fulfill them and the internet is an amazing tool for disseminating knowledge and increasing communication, whether it’s about art, science, or philosophy.

But I realized today, this person is just kneading different textures of dough and this person is just whittling. How many bakers and carvers loved what they did because it stimulated their senses in ways that humans have evolved to be fulfilled by?

I have another theory (that probably aligns with disability theory in some way or other) that people with autism aren’t actually more common now, it’s just that they’re sensitive to bright artificial light and loud noises and weird smells and foreign textures the world we live in is FULL of those. And what’s more, we have ever increasing attentional expectations in the midst of all that!

You used to just have a weird uncle Joe who doesn’t talk a whole lot but man he can knead dough aaaalll day or thresh wheat or maybe he just makes cute little wooden toy horses all weekend and we sell them at the market on Monday. And it’s weird how aunt sally hums like that but damn her lace embroidery is WILD. (we can discuss antiquated gender expectations at a different time).

This isn’t saying savantism/special abilities should be expected of neurodivergent people either, just that a looot of people probably flew entirely under the radar that way for a huge portion of human history and we’re only noticing them now because we’re progressively putting people in more and more noxious environments where even people who could’ve coped in those environments can no longer cope in this one.

And now we have a whole industry of creating stimulation for people who never would have needed it if we just hadn’t created an entire world without naturally occurring stimulation that they’re “expected” to live in after humans spent hundreds of thousands of years learning to make tools out of wood and stone and cook over open fires, and crush and mix their own grain to make breads.

And because all these things occur on a spectrum, we’re seeing more people everyday who would have had no need for the stim industry now suddenly require it because we’re progressively pushing more and more people who could previously have claimed one of those coveted “normal” labels into being “different” as we steadily push them to accept less and less stimulation in their daily lives and steadily push them to stretch their attention span more and more beyond what it ever evolved to do.

TLDR; the ASMR/Stimming industry is only necessary because we created a world where those stimuli no longer occur naturally that people who need them have to live in. The concept of a “disability” is very intimately intertwined with expectations as to what environment any given person “should” be able to thrive in.

    1 year ago

    It reminds me a lot of a discussion I had with my former psychatrist (I’m on the spectrum that’s why I had to see one), and he told me something along those lines when I asked him why does that even exist. It was something like:

    […] Autism surely used to have some usefulness for our ancestor. Easily analysing patterns, or being hyper-sensitive to stimulis may have been useful for dealing with predators, hunting, or making better tools […]

    Feels like it come close to what you’re thinking op

    1 year ago

    On the one hand I agree, but on the other I feel there is danger in attempting to pathologize every single little thing. Don’t forget that the vast majority (probably 70%+) of these viewers and purchasers are children or toddlers, and it is completely normal to be entranced by such stimuli at that age.

    It’s the literally the “jangling keys to distract the baby” trope

    1 year ago

    … I just realized how badly I want to be a baker. lol…And a cook. I just want to feed the shit out of people. Not like a chef at some restaurant, cooking meals while cussing and scrambling to make 10 different meals in 30 minutes kind of BS. I want to just relax and make a fuck load of food all day long and feed ppl as they come by. I want knead dough and make breads and soup and casseroles and meatloaf and big pots of baked beans and loaded baked potatoes and everything else. I want to be a babushka. lol

    1 year ago

    I like it. You’ve stumbled upon a concept that I think closely parallels that of a particularly notorious critic of modern society, Ted Kaczynski, though his is more generalized and expansive. I am going to quote from Tim Luke’s paper “Re-reading the Unabomber Manifesto.”

    To compensate for lost power, the system not only provides for but also endorses “surrogate activities” that industrial peoples “set up for themselves merely in order to have some goal to work toward . . . for the sake of the ‘fulfill- ment’ that they get from pursuing the goal” (1J39). Because “only minimal effort is necessary to satisfy one’s physical needs,” (1(39) most of what preoccupies anyone is a surrogate: art, science, athletics, literature as well as acquiring money, partici- pation in corporatism, engaging in social activism, and pursuing celebrity. These surrogates are are “less satisfying than the pursuit of real goals . . . one indication of this is the fact that, in many or most cases, people who are deeply involved in surrogate activities are never satisfied, never at rest” fl|41). The Unabomber states that “the effort needed to satisfy biological needs does not occur AUTONO- MOUSLY, but by functioning as parts of an immense social machine” fl|41). When meeting real needs takes only trivial effort, and satisfying surrogate desires is given such latitude, the stage is set for individual marginalization on many interrelated levels. Thus a very fine line divides “Sensible Sam the Smart Con- sumer” from “Crazy Kaczynski the Alleged Founder of the Freedom Club.”

    There’s a lot TK wrote that’s pretty… welll… crazy, but I find the concept of surrogates to be persuasive. Luke in this paper points out that TK’s writing on this often parallels that of Marcuse, whose writing I quite like but I’ve never done a real deep dive, and who is less terroristy and a bit more palatable.

    On a way less controversial note, you might enjoy the book “Mad in America,” and its sequel “Anatomy of an Epidemic.” They’re both a parade of horrors, so be warned, but Whitaker gives a comprehensive and unapologetically critical history of what it means to be mad in the US, how we’ve treated them, and, in the second book, how we’ve come to view mental health as a biological deviation from normal that can and should be cured with with a pill. Whitaker also runs the blog From their mission statement:

    Mad in America’s mission is to serve as a catalyst for rethinking psychiatric care in the United States (and abroad). We believe that the current drug-based paradigm of care has failed our society, and that scientific research, as well as the lived experience of those who have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, calls for profound change.

    Oh, and finally, you should be a luddite. Luddites were great ;)

      1 year ago

      If being compassionate about our comrades means I’m a crackpot, then so be it. I’m with OP on this one.