In the past 24 hours, I’ve gotten three calls from mortgage companies looking for my ex-wife. I was pretty sure that she wouldn’t put my phone number on her applications, so I asked the last guy who called how he got my number. He explained that they watch EVERYBODY’S credit, and when a mortgage inquiry pops up on anyone’s report, they call every number that’s ever been associated with that person, just so they can try to snatch the business from the company that ran the inquiry.

One of the callers, after being told I was not my ex, proceeded to read off her birthday and ask if that’s when I was born. “No, but thanks for sharing her private information without permission.”

If anybody was thinking about using Rocket Mortgage, I would recommend that you don’t. If they are this shady on cold calling, I wouldn’t trust anything else they do.

    23 days ago

    It’s not limited to one specific mortgage company or broker. You can do an opt out from the prescreened calls here opt out for 5 years online, or permanently via mail.