• Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
      9 days ago

      In the same vein, some Fascists refused to go to war against the RSI, while others joined the Royal Army, considering this the honorable (and Fascist) thing to do. In perhaps the greatest irony imaginable, eager draftees in May 1944 shouted “Hail Mussolini! Duce! Duce!” when in fact the army they were joining was at war with Mussolini.⁷⁵


      On 25 July 1934, [pro‐Reich Austrians] launched a Putsch and assassinated Austrofascist Chancellor Dollfuss. While the [pro‐Reich] coup collapsed, the [pro‐Reich fascists] succeeded in sowing uncertainty and chaos.


    • amemorablename@lemmygrad.ml
      9 days ago

      Alternate phrasing that just popped into my head, works better with the leash part: The imperialist blaming the running dog for fucking it up, while pretending the leash doesn’t exist.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      10 days ago

      If that was a post by someone understanding historical materialism, it would be pretty obvious it is ironic mention of the all-powerful Great Man from liberal myths that libs for some reason call “analysis” but i wouldn’t expect it from Trump. There is a high chance someone wrote it for him though since it’s way too coherent for him.

      • LeGrognardOfLove@lemmygrad.ml
        8 days ago

        Yeah! It’s fascinating seeing both types of post from trumpidor the first. That said … I wonder how that works in our material world.

        I mean - from my point of view and analysis, trumpidor is either an actor playing the role of a floundering politician or a floundering politician.

        If he is an actor, most of what I see starts to make sense. He has a team, he works with other, he’s mostly a Muppet with other imperialist hands up his ass and so he must be pitied as he is not his own man.

        If he is not … Everything becomes more complicated as he’s most likely only a demented old man in an untenable position, trying his best to stay afloat in the sea of shit he is himself creating. It’s at best a real attempt at disturbing the uncomfortable status quo and at worst, elder abuse.

        But I’m to get back to the subject, what I am really wondering is how it would work in real life if he had a team writing these. How can these people sleep at night ? Who are they ? Where do they come from ? Why don’t they talk / whistleblower / boast about it ?

        Keeping secret is hard …

        So maybe we are just seeing trumpidor in moments of lucidity and then in rage/drugs/stress induced moments ?

        It’s so hard to guess from so far away …

  • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
    9 days ago

    He is either betting on the lack of knowledge that people have on the Ukraine war or has really poor memory because didn’t he arm the Ukrainians when he was in office the first time? If he wanted to end the conflict for good he should’ve done it back then. But this is Trump we are talking about, he’s just an opportunist really.