Selon un sondage réalisé par l'institut Elabe pour BFMTV et publié ce mardi 4 mars, une majorité de Français ont été "choqués" par l'altercation à la Maison Blanche entre Donald Trump, qu'ils jugent responsable, et Volodymyr Zelensky, dont ils ont une bonne image. 64% craignent également que le...
Second gulf war, France and Germany not joining in although our soldiers were dying in Afghanistan after the US declared Article 5. US government “that is old Europe, they don’t matter”. US people “we should bomb Germany back into the stone age”. That’s when my generation became anti-US.
It’s not just two months.
Second gulf war, France and Germany not joining in although our soldiers were dying in Afghanistan after the US declared Article 5. US government “that is old Europe, they don’t matter”. US people “we should bomb Germany back into the stone age”. That’s when my generation became anti-US.