I noticed that in the USA people are often strongly divided based on whether they identify as being “black” or “white”. Basically many people there make this a big part about their identity and separate communities based on it to the point where they developed different cultures and even different ways of talking and behavior solely based on whether they identify as “black” or “white”.

As far as I understand it’s based on the brightness of their skin color because of slavery but it’s not quite clear to me who is considered “black” or “white” since I’ve seen many people who for example have very bright skin and seem to have almost no African ethnicity but they still identify and talk/behave as “being black”.

I wonder why they still have this culture and separation since segregation ended in 1964.

Because in other regions like South America such as Brazil for example this culture doesn’t seem to exist that much and people just identify as people and they talk, behave and connect the exact same way no matter the skin brightness. People such in South America seem way more mixed and seem to not have this type of separation like in the USA based on external features like skin, hair or eye color.

To me it kind of feels like this is a political and economic reason in the US that they purposefully want to divide people for their gains. Because the extent to which this seems to have been normalized in Americas every day conversation both in private and in public/commercial spaces feels like brainwashing. And I wonder if this will ever improve since it seems to go as far as people being proud about these racist stereotypes and think this is completely normal. But considering the broader global context and America’s historical background it doesn’t seem normal. Especially with Americas context of slavery you would expect there to be strong efforts of fighting these stereotypes and having a political leadership that doesn’t see “color” and only judges based on individuals personality.

  • DankOfAmerica@reddthat.com
    4 hours ago

    Yo, I have no idea. I’m starting to believe that a lot of these anti-American accounts are Russian trolls. They’re so unnecessarily antagonizing and hypocritical. Of all political entities in the world to criticize someone else… Europe? EUROPE? Let’s take a look at the hypocrisy.

    The US is racist!

    • Hmmm, I wonder who even came up with the idea of races?

    The US had slavery!

    • Umm, who started that slavery?
    • Who captured and enslaved the Africans?
    • Who brought them over and sold them across all of the Americas?

    The US supports the genocide of Palestine!

    • Ok, who gave that land to Zionists and why? What was the reason, hmm? And why Palestinian land??

    The US spends too much on military and not enough on social welfare!

    • Yeah, who’s going to save those fantastic EU welfare programs from Putin?
    • Btw, where are European countries buying their fancy high-tech military equipment from?
    • Who built those F-16s that European countries donated to Ukraine?
    • Why doesn’t the EU build its own military-industrial complex then?

    The US invaded Iraq!

    • Who drew up the lines of the Middle East to ensure permanent conflict?
    • Did someone forget Polend?

    The US is belligerent!

    • Odd, because I don’t think they started WWI nor WWII. Who was it?

    The US dropped atomic bombs!

    • Crazy, but what was Europe doing instead of sending troops to invade Japan?

    The US has terrible healthcare!

    • Interesting. Who is the leading researcher in medical interventions?
    • Who subsidizes the world’s medications research and development so the rest of the world can brag about buying that shit wholesale and using generics a few years behind?

    The US thinks too highly of itself!

    • Of all the continents, which continent isn’t even a continent?

    The US is too religious!

    • Remind me again, what were the Crusades?
    • And, why did so many Europeans even move to the US to begin with?
    • Can someone point on a map to where the head of Catholic Church is, please?

    As far as I can tell, Europe starts shit and the US is left cleaning up the mess. Then, Europe talks shit about the US for trying to fix the problems it creates while they sit over there basking in the resources they extracted. WTF is that?

    Extra: Texas is stupid for wanting to leave the union!

    • If Texas leaves (it won’t), should we follow the established naming convention and call it Texit?


    • Majorllama@lemmy.world
      4 hours ago

      I think the left is way too anti-american these days and I think the right needs to recognize that we aren’t always so star spangled awesome anymore either.

      It’s disingenuous to pretend that America has done nothing good and are nothing but a bunch of fat racist losers or whatever they say.

      But it’s also disingenuous to try and pretend like America is number 1 in everything all the goddamn time.

      Since this is Lemmy I pretty much only ever see people taking huge stinking turds all over America and aggressively so. I’m not normally patriotic in any major way but listening to these people just straight up lie about America constantly starts to get to me at some point.