1.) Totally and completely in jest, and from the experienced view as lifelong captain of this meat-ship powered by an ADHD warp core. I do not disagree.
2.) Let us not forget the immortal words of Saint Tommy, “A person can be smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.”
Because they’re too often and consistently wrong? 🥲
Careful there. Going through life with that mindset will prevent you from learning and growing.
Don’t discount any idea until you’ve picked it apart.
Yeah, people are dumb, but if you assume you’re always right, you will be too.
1.) Totally and completely in jest, and from the experienced view as lifelong captain of this meat-ship powered by an ADHD warp core. I do not disagree.
2.) Let us not forget the immortal words of Saint Tommy, “A person can be smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.”
What’s funny is that I was thinking about that quote immediately after I typed my comment.