This car is an absolute shitbox with a million electrical issues. Just got a new starter 2 weeks ago, and the alternator was replaced 18 months ago, so i knew the battery was the likely culprit.

Anyway, gonna make my ancestors proud and go throw the old battery into Lake Erie

  • GooberEar
    2 days ago

    This reminds me of the time my saturn’s check engine light came on, and I, the least auto-mechanically inclined human being I know, ended up replacing the broken part myself because none of my buddies who seemed to know everything about cars and car repair could not figure out how to do it.

    I suppose it’s how other people feel when they ask their family member who is “in IT” the best way to convert an MP4 movie to a pdf format and after being told it is impossible, they figure out that you can run the movie in an microsoft excel macro and then use the print function to covert each frame into a thumbnail such that each one prints out on a separate page of a pdf document.