A prime time current affairs programme; a discussion about Donald Trump’s handling of the war in Ukraine. “He’s doing excellent things,” says a firebrand politician on the panel, before listing White House actions that have belittled Volodymyr Zelenskyy and weakened his battlefield position – military aid suspended; satellite communications obstructed; intelligence withheld. “Do we support this?” It is a rhetorical question.

“We support it all. Absolutely,” the celebrity host responds. “We are thrilled by everything Trump is doing.”

  • Daelsky@lemmy.ca
    9 hours ago

    I agree. The US’ image has been carefully crafted since ww2 but it has done the same amount of harmful things like any other super power. It’s useless to compare how evil say the US and the British Empire are one to another, but they have done many fucked up things. It’s clear as day that they have never been the good guys, except for 4 years during a 6 year war where they finally decided to do something good but only because an ally of Germany attacked them. Idk if the US would have intervened the way they did without Pearl Harbour.