Yeah, when welfare and pensions are butchered because the EU is trying to salvage the deindustrialising increasingly uncompetitive economy by pouring lots of money in the military-industrial complex instead of social services this is going to be soooo awesome. Only Europe is going to be doing that in a much more fiscally constrained environment that America. Greaaaat.
You are trying to scare me, an American, by saying that if Europe keeps going the way they are going someday they might be as terrible a place to live as America.
That’s better odds than my current reality. I’m guaranteed to live in a country no social safety net and a constrained fiscal environment because that describes America right fucking now.
To take your seriously for a moment: Lack of investment sounds like next generations problem.
There is a crisis in Europe because of lack of investment, are you sure it is not your problem?
I do in fact wish we had European problems. That would be a massive upgrade. We should be so lucky.
Yeah, when welfare and pensions are butchered because the EU is trying to salvage the deindustrialising increasingly uncompetitive economy by pouring lots of money in the military-industrial complex instead of social services this is going to be soooo awesome. Only Europe is going to be doing that in a much more fiscally constrained environment that America. Greaaaat.
You are trying to scare me, an American, by saying that if Europe keeps going the way they are going someday they might be as terrible a place to live as America.
That’s better odds than my current reality. I’m guaranteed to live in a country no social safety net and a constrained fiscal environment because that describes America right fucking now.
Again, we should be so lucky.
I would say that America can afford a safety net, it just doesn’t do it for ideological reasons.
I mean, I am not trying to scare you, just showing you that a lack of investment is bad.
It isn’t, unless you enjoy inflation.