They’re not worth anything, never were but even less through the years with inflation.
If a store wants to sell something for 99 cent, they can either just take 1€ or 95 cent.
Maybe even 5 cent pieces? But that would be a bit radical.
I am a bit annoyed that easy ideas like this are never discussed in politics, or wherever. It would make our lives just a little bit easier, and having them achieves NOTHING.
GNU Taler
ECB is working on the “digital Euro” right now, and I’m almost completely sure it won’t enable offline payments, simple peer to peer transactions or even anonymous payments. It’s a real shame, because GNU Taler is interesting and the crypto should be explored further.
The 2020 report of the ECB actually states offline payments as a desired feature and to work overall “like cash”. Anonymous payments, however, are ruled out (money laundering bla bla, probably a rather weak argument considering Taler’s characteristics).