
My name is Manu and I’m the creator of the quite fresh bassment , a place for all things related to the greatest instrument in existence.

I‘m quite overwhelmed by the amount of instances and general communities out there and I‘ve yet to receive an answer from some mods over at the Music communities.

We are slowly but steadily growing but I just got a feeling that there has to be a better way to reach other bass players. It’s not like the subscriber number matters, but it feels like there might be something I‘ve been missing.

How have you found your favorite communities? How did you promote yours? Thanks!

  • bquinlan@lemmy.world
    1 年前

    Put an announcement in the New Communities community as a starting point. You can post links about it in other places where potential members are. Telling people to leave where they are and go to your site is inherently rude, so you have to be careful and polite. Check the rules for wherever you post and get a feel for the place before you put up a link.

    In the long run people will find you, but it can feel like a very long run. Particularly since you need content to attract people and you need people to generate content. There is a tipping point where it will suddenly take off. Just try to be patient until you get there.

    This is probably the best possible time to start new communities. All of us fledditors are creating new accounts and looking for communities to join.