If you can train is less than say 6 hours. Trains are hands down better.
They are much more reliably on time.
The station is usually much closer than to the ultimate destination than an airport.
There’s little or no waiting in queues or what not, in a lot places you can roll up the platform 10-20 mins before departure.
The seats are better for pretty much every class of ticket. sans a standing ticket but Planes don’t have those.
Once you factor getting to and from the airport, messing about with check in, security, and boarding at around 6 hours a train is better than a 2 hour flight.
Oh man, I take an ICE roundtrip over twenty times a year. These days I have to plan a buffer of 2 hours between ETA and my Termin. These are tears well informed by experience.
Fuck Dusseldorf airport. Fuck Frankfurt airport. Fuck them right in the ass. But also fuck validating your train ticket at the other end of the platform seconds before getting on the train.
If you can train is less than say 6 hours. Trains are hands down better.
They are much more reliably on time.
The station is usually much closer than to the ultimate destination than an airport.
There’s little or no waiting in queues or what not, in a lot places you can roll up the platform 10-20 mins before departure.
The seats are better for pretty much every class of ticket. sans a standing ticket but Planes don’t have those.
Once you factor getting to and from the airport, messing about with check in, security, and boarding at around 6 hours a train is better than a 2 hour flight.
Cries in german.
Oh man, I take an ICE roundtrip over twenty times a year. These days I have to plan a buffer of 2 hours between ETA and my Termin. These are tears well informed by experience.
Just add a 20 minute transfer time and hope for the best
Fuck Dusseldorf airport. Fuck Frankfurt airport. Fuck them right in the ass. But also fuck validating your train ticket at the other end of the platform seconds before getting on the train.
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