• Fedizen@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Politically obviously there’s not going to be electoral punishment in Israel for killing people who cant vote in your elections.

    They could obviously drop less bombs but it seems like the Israeli army is understaffed and they’re unwilling to conscript their yahoo settlers and take them away from harassing the west bank to send them to gaza where at least they might kill less children than the neighborhood leveling air strikes.

    Obviously if the weapon supply line were threatened to be cut off, Israeli politicians would reluctantly dial down the genocide and they’ve even suggested as much. But so far it hasn’t happened yet because whoever stops this will be blamed for the next terror attack (and there will 100% be another one) and will become enemy #1 in Israel.

    So Joe Biden is cowardly hoping some european countries decide to do something so he doesn’t become the guy who pisses off the Imperial outpost in the middle east.