Donald Trump told the president of the European Commission in 2020 that the US would “never come help” if Europe was attacked and also said “Nato is dead”, a senior European commissioner said.

Multiple news outlets said the exchange between Trump and Ursula von der Leyen at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2020 was described in Brussels on Tuesday by Thierry Breton, a French European commissioner responsible for the internal market, with responsibilities including defence.

“You need to understand that if Europe is under attack we will never come to help you and to support you,” Trump said, according to Breton, who was speaking at the European parliament.

According to Breton, Trump also said: “By the way, Nato is dead, and we will leave, we will quit Nato.”


    9 months ago

    he’s jumping to Putin’s tune

    He’s entirely mercenary. Putin knew how to stroke his ego, but so did Steven Miller and Jared Kushner and Kim Kardashian. The folks with the most influence over Trump are, ultimately, the folks who happen to be in the room with him at any given moment. If you think Trump ratcheting tensions in Ukraine back in 2017, when he greenlit tens of millions in in javelin missiles, benefited Putin…

    These Republicans will absolutely follow the piper toward their Russian overlords

    There are some far more wealthy and influential overlords in the domestic market that they’re happy to cater towards first and foremost. Escalating the conflict in Europe so they can grow fat selling everyone the ropes they use to hang one another has been a lucrative model of western business since the Napoleonic Era.

    This is the libertarian model of western business. Russia can burn. Europe can burn. America burn. None of it matters, just so long as I get to make bank.

        9 months ago

        That the elite are playing both Putin and Trump to destabilize the world entirely

        That individual actors constantly fixated on their own self-interest has resulted in global destabilization. This isn’t a global villainous cabal of American Republicans and Russian white nationalists and Italian / Japanese / Argentinian fascists. Its just a bunch of greedy cowards grasping at whatever they can get.

        Arms dealing is absurdly lucrative, so it pulls in these vampires like an exposed artery. But if they can go back to minting bitcoins with public infrastructure or press-ganging migrant refugees into serf-like farm labor positions, they’ll do that too.

            9 months ago

            I think it’s a global cabal of Russo-aligned neo fascists.

            Wouldn’t be the first time someone suggested the world’s problems could be laid at the feet of a secret cabal of evil foreigners. Hell, this was at the heart of the Red Scares of the 1910s, the 1930s, and 1950s.

            The KGB turned Trump in the 80s.

            More likely the reverse. Trump was laundering money for the plutocrats that would eventually take over the Russian state, most likely on behalf of American intelligence or some other domestic private interests. The 80s and 90s made a lot of bag men a lot of money, from Jeffery Epstein to John Gutfreund to Carl Ichan to George Soros. But Trump is notably shit at his job, so he never approached the heights of his NY peers.

            The two likely knew one another, given Putin’s rapid climb from mayor to parliamentarian to president. But Trump’s absolutely fucking shameless. What would you do to compromise him that his political opponents haven’t already lobbed out on the campaign trail? Dude was certainly taking bribes, particularly through the Kushner family. But “turned”? Fucking please.