• 125 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • They got the satisfaction of standing behind a staunch group of party donors and private sector hiring partners. AIPAC will continue to dump millions into the coffers of your Richie Torries and your Dean Phillips types. They’ll pick up recruits like Wesley Bell and George Latimer, thinning the ranks of progressives in The Squad. They’ll turn ex-Dems into private sector influence peddlers on their behalf. And they’ll continue to work hand-in-glove with the MIC to guarantee enormous sums of money flow into the Middle Eastern arms trade, which is good news for every Dem with a contracting firm hiring in their district (basically all of them).

    This might seem like it sucks for the party in this cycle. But its the sort of position that guarantees careers in party leadership and future opportunities at higher office for each given individual party official’s life. Going against AIPAC is a career ender on both sides of the aisle. Going with the flow means you’ll be hanging out in the Senate cloak room getting sucked off with your friends well into your 90s.

  • American capitalist doing American capitalism Americanly

    “Holy shit, this is just like living in the USSR.”

    Trump has very nakedly and explicitly said he wants to increase arms sales to Europe and is holding US support in NATO hostage to this effect. This is entirely because the Silicon Valley tech sector has gone long on US arms sales and wants to make the Big Number Go Up.

    Peter Thiel’s plan to shove Palantir down the throats of every Olaf, Macron, and Meloni isn’t an insidious Russian plot to reconquer Bulgaria. Its the American MIC trying to squeeze a bit more profit out of the periphery one more time.